Wednesday, March 26, 2008

One Day at a Time

If you are related to a billionaire, or depending on your next paycheck to cover your rent, or house payment - it is still wise to take one day at a time.

Marilyn Carlson Nelson* says, "each day is a gift from God and each moment is a gift from God". She is basically saying, God is the giver of our days and our moments.

In God's Word, The Bible, it says, "Don't be anxious about one day at a time" (Matt. 6:34). If we could see into the future as God can, we would be totally overwhelmed. And then we would realize how much better it is for us to take one day at a time.

*Marilyn Carlson Nelson is the daughter of billionaire Curt Carlson, known worldwide for his Radisson Hotel chain, TGI Fridays and Country Harvest Restaurants.

Ed Unruh

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