Monday, June 29, 2009

Prayer is Free

Have you ever thought about the cost of prayer? Prayer is free and it is one of the benefits we get with salvation. That's right, salvation does have benefits and one of them is that we can pray any time and any where and it doesn't cost a cent. The Bible says to "Rejoice always and pray without ceasing" (I Thes. 5:16-17).

So, don't hesitate or hold back from praying, God is waiting to hear from you today. Thank Him for everything (I Thes 5:18). Include His blessings and His faithfulness, because, PRAYER IS FREE.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He Loves Us

When someone tells you they love you and there is sincerity in their voice, you will believe them. What about a complete stranger? Would you still believe him?

In 2 Cor.13:11 we read that "God is love" and He loves us (John 3:16). Is He a stranger to you? If He is, maybe it is time for you to meet Him and get to know Him better.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Grow in Faith

Sometimes it takes a lot of faith to overcome difficult situations we go through. Because the past has helped us grow in our faith, we must now leave the past behind us and move on to the future.

Oswald Chambers said, "many people have no faith in God at all, but only faith in what He has done for us." But, because our faith is now growing, we can look ahead to concentrate on our future.

So, now is the time to trust in the God of the past and future who continues to strengthen us. Then as He does this, our strength grows.

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wasted Time

Time is a very important commodity for most people, and sometimes it needs to be rescheduled for one reason or another.

There are some things that have a tendency to cause delays in our life. One of these delays may be in cashier lines which can waste a lot of time. What can make this time more profitable?

A report over the NBC network on the National Day of Prayer in May 1997 stated that 54% of all people in this nation pray daily. So, why not be one of the 54% and use that "Wasted Time" in prayer?

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

These are three days. Each one is different in itself. We know what happened yesterday. We know what we have done today and because tomorrow has not arrived yet, it remains a mystery. For what we have planned for tomorrow could change at a moment's notice.

Change becomes a way of life for each of us. In contrast to the changes that take place in our lives, God Himself says, "For I am the Lord, I change not" (Malachi 3:6). Because God is Love (I John 4:8), His love never changes. He is faithful Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Last Times

Are we in the last times? Today, there are people challenging some laws that have been in place for years, accepted and undisputed. But times change and we see more and more people with differing opinions since these laws were initiated.

State and federal laws are being challenged more than ever before. Some with a lot of opposition and some with just a little. In 2nd Timothy 3:12 we are told, those who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted and in Jude 1:18 we read "in the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires."

So, are we in the last times, according to the words of Jude, it is possible. What do you think?

Ed Unruh