Thursday, May 24, 2007

Three Strikes

Three strikes is a familiar expression today. It is used in the all-American sport of baseball and also in the sport of bowling. In California, there is a three strikes law that says, if you commit three illegal offences, you go to jail.

In baseball, when you have three strikes, you're out at bat. In bowling, you try hard to get three strikes which will improve your score. So three strikes can be a good or a bad thing, It depends on the circumstances.

What about sin - when you sin, do you have three strikes against you? And who can forgive you when you do sin? In Mark 2:7 we are told that God is the only one who is able to forgive us. When was the last time you sinned? Maybe it is time for you to ask God to forgive you.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

God's Abundant Love

Love is a give-and-take situation and sometimes we will question the love that comes to us. We might even question God's right to love us. If He loves us, do we love Him back?

Everything has a beginning and an end, so when did God first love us? In the seventeenth chapter of John, Jesus says, God the Father's love began before the foundation of the world.

Then, He goes on to say, His father's love for us is the same as it is for His son Jesus Christ. He will never love us any more or love us any less. His love will continue throughout all time and eternity. That's real abundant love.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Difficult Circumstances

Regardless of our circumstances, there is always a force that is greater than us, that never slumbers and never sleeps (Psalm 121:4). This force is our God, the god who is always aware of what we are going through.

Anytime difficult circumstances plague us, we need to exercise our faith.. Remember, it was our faith that saved us. So, let us continue with that same faith, because, it will get us through our difficult circumstances every time.

Ed Unruh

Monday, May 21, 2007

It Takes Two

It takes TWO people to carry on a conversation. It may be one-on-one with a person on the phone. Or an e-mail to another party, however it still takes TWO either way

A competitive sport requires at least TWO or more people. Every marriage requires TWO. Proverbs 18:22 says, "He who finds a wife, finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord". Then in I John 4:19 it says, "We love God because He first loved us". Here again, there are TWO involved, this time it is God and us. What could be better than that?

Ed Unruh

Friday, May 18, 2007

Are You Alone?

In order to answer this question, you would have to look in all directions. Some people suspect there are aliens, from outer space, who are spying on us right now. Who knows - maybe they're out there and we're not alone.

So, are we alone? Let's see what the Bible says about it. In Matthew 28:20, we read that the Holy Sprit is always with those who have accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. So, we know that they are not alone. And what is good about it is, "He will never leave them nor forsake them" (Heb.13:5). Do you have the Holy Spirit with you, or Are You Alone?

Ed Unruh

Thursday, May 17, 2007


When you start a job, you're told what your Benefits will be. Those Benefits usually include hospitalization and retirement and vary from one company to another.

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have God as your employer? Have you ever thought about the benefits He might have available? Just think what you'll
have when you get to Heaven.

In heaven the benefits will be out of this world. You won't need hospitalization because you will never be sick. There won't be any death benefits, because you'll never die. And, your retirement benefits will last forever.

Ed Unruh

Monday, May 14, 2007


Power is something that many people desire to attain. This desire stimulates us as we strive to acquire as much of it as possible. It can also be bad if it is abused. Terrorists and suicide bombers use Power that has been given to them by the god of this world, and using it to kill and maim anyone without cause.

Real Power comes from God and a good example of this, is a story in the Bible regarding the Power that was given to Moses, when he had to cross the Red Sea. God gave him Power to part the Sea so the children of Israel could walk across on dry ground. (Exodus 14:16)

When Jesus Christ, the Son of God returns to this world, descending from heaven with a shout, the dead will rise first. Then we who are alive in Christ, shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air (1 Thess. 4:16-17). When this event takes place, there will not be enough words to describe the power God will be using.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Plan B

Whenever an architect draws up plans, they need to be identified. If he has a Plan B, there must be a Plan A somewhere.

Did God have any plans before He created the universe? According to Genesis 1:1, we read, "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" and it doesn't say anything about any plans. No mention of a Plan A or a Plan B. God created it perfect the very first time.

God even tilted the earth so we would have four seasons. He created the sun, moon and the stars so we would have days and nights. He also created the air we breath. Our God is truly an awesome God who loves us more than anything else in the universe.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


When an actor or actress performs on a stage and they know a talent scout is in the audience, they will strive to do the best that can be done. We need to do the best we possibly can at all times, but if we are being watched, we will put forth extra effort each and every time.

Can you imagine what this generation would be like if they knew someone was watching them all the time? For one thing, we know there would be less crime, because everyone would be obeying the law.

In Genesis 16:13, we read, "God up in Heaven is looking down on us". So, are you doing what you should be doing? Will HE be pleased with your performance?

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Looking Ahead

A child in a family atmosphere doesn't worry about the future. They are not concerned about what's going to happen tomorrow. Every day is a fun day. When they start school and there is homework, they will be looking ahead to get it done.

Life itself can be exciting as we plan our future. In Proverbs 16:9, we read, "A man's heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps". So, don't hesitate to plan ahead, God will be with you each step of the way.

As you grow older, keep Looking Ahead, focus on the future, because it is the best thing to do anytime in life.

Ed Unruh

Monday, May 7, 2007


If you are having a problem and want someone to help you, you'll probably look for anyone who's close by and dependable.

One of the writers of the Psalms is looking for someone in chapter 139. He's looking for God and searching everywhere. He looks above the earth and below the earth, and finally stops looking when he realizes God is everywhere.

When that problem you have doesn't go away and you want someone who is dependable and close by, just go to God. God will always be there and He is dependable too.

Ed Unruh

Saturday, May 5, 2007

The Dark and the Light

There are some things that are hard to understand in this
world. For instance, one song writer has written, "I don't
understand the sunrise - I just know it takes away the dark".

We know God is the creator of light (Genesis 1:3) and because
He takes away the dark with the sun, we know He has the
power to take away those dark times that we go through.

Now, wait for the next sunrise and watch the dark disappear.
Then, pray and watch the dark times disappear.

Ed Unruh

Friday, May 4, 2007

Dependent or Independent

In this world with its crime and violence, we see terrorists
who have become dependent on each other. They want
to be strong in their cause by having control over life and
death. Likewise, there are independent suicide bombers
who will commit suicide for the same reason.

This type of control is evil and the god of this world, has
blinded their minds so they are unable to see the truth
(2 Cor. 4:4).

In Joshua 1:9, we are reminded of what God said, "to be
strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." So, why be independent, when you can be dependent on the God who really cares for each one of us.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Decision Making

Do you have any idea how many decisions you make in
one day? Every time a thought enters or leaves your mind,
you are making a decision.

God has given us the right to make our own decisions. Adam
and Eve had the freedom to make decisions and one decision
they made effected the whole world. There were two boys
named Eric Harris and Dylan Kiebold who made a decision
and their decision effected the whole community of Littleton
Colorado and beyond.

Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, made a statement in
Proverbs 22:6. He said, "train up a child in the way he is to go
and he will not depart from it". Every child needs the proper
guidance so they will make the right decisions in later life.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Miraculous Coincidences

Is there such a thing as a miraculous co-incidence, or is this
two different situations? Can a co-incidence ba a miracle?
We know that God miraculously intervenes in our lives and
He cares for us more then anything else in this world.

An example of God's care is in the Old Testament verse of
Genesis 50:24 where Joseph, the son of Jacob told his family
that God would surely take care of them. Then, in the New
Testament, I Peter 5:7 tells us that God takes care of us.

How many times has God provided answers to your prayers?
How many times have you seen miracles performed in your life?
Because God is a prayer answering God, answers received were
not just co-incidences, they were actually miracles. Thank you
Lord, for your Miraculous Co-incidences.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Delays and Benefits

Prayer is one of the greatest benefits God has given to us.
In Matthew 6:32 it says, "Your Heavenly Father knows
what you need". So, if He knows what you need, any delay
should be O.K. When this happens, do you stop praying?
No! we should never stop praying.

Unfortunately, when delays occur, Satan puts doubt in our
minds and tries to get us to believe God doesn't care. But, we
know that delays can sometimes happen, so we wait.

We read in James 4:7-8 that if we resist the devil, he will flee
from us. Then it says, draw near to God and He will draw near
to us. That's when the Real benefit comes into play.

Ed Unruh