Friday, April 4, 2008

Molded Right

As the clay is molded by the potter and the potter's wheel is spinning, the clay takes on many changes before the object is completed. So it is with you and me: we take on many changes during our lifetime.

In Isaiah 64:8, God is the potter and we are the clay. So, if we look to Him, we can be the work of His hands and be molded in the direction that would be best for us.

Over forty years ago, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. had no intention of becoming a leader in a movement that would put him in the forefront of his generation. But, life can change in a way comparable to the way a potter changes the object he is crafting. On the fourth of April, the nation celebrates the death of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., who became a leader in his own right.

Let each one of us commit ourselves to God, and allow Him to be our guide according to His will, then, we will be Molded Right.

Ed Unruh

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