Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Do You Feel Defeated?

Do you ever feel defeated and ready to give up? Even if you feel like it, you really should never give up.

Do you ever feel alone and don't know who to turn to? If you do, there is some one you can turn to at a time like this. The God who built the universe is out there and will be happy to listen to you.

The Bible says, "The Lord knows those who trust in Him" (Nahum 1:7). So have faith in Him and you will not feel defeated. You will find your impossibilities will become possible and because He loves you, He will not let you be defeated.

Ed Unruh

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Faith and Determination

With faith and determination you can accomplish anything you want. Where does your faith come from? If you know the living Saviour you already have faith, because you used your faith when you accepted Him.

Where does determination come from? It comes from desire. So, with desire, your determination is possible. In Mark 9:23 we read, "all things are possible to the one who believes". And, because you believe, you now have the faith and determination you need to pursue your goal.

Ed Unruh

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Families and Gifts

Everyone looks forward to Christmas, because that is the time when families come together with gifts in celebration of the very first Christmas.

In Luke 2:11, we read how God had a host of angels brought in to let the shepherds know about the family that had arrived in Bethlehem. And when they were told that Jesus was born in a stable behind the Inn, they left their sheep and went immediately to where the family was and bowed down to worship the newborn baby Jesus, who was God's gift to the world.

Many gifts have been given at Christmas, but, for over 2000 years God's gift to the world has been the greatest gift of all.

Ed Unruh

Friday, December 21, 2007

Do Unto Others

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". This is known as the Golden Rule. Many people have tried to live by this principle over the years. However, not many have succeeded in doing so.

Terrorists, for example, do not have any consideration for other people. Terrorists have a sacrifice/suicide attitude that causes death to others.

The Bible confirms the golden rule in Matthew 7:12, which says, "however you want people to treat you, so treat them". So as you go about your daily tasks, do what you can for those you come in contact with. This will make you a better person and you will be glad you did it.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, December 20, 2007


Stepfathers have the same family responsibilities as fathers. When God's son Jesus was born, Joseph was chosen to be His stepfather. So, let's see just what kind of example he was 2000 years ago.

First of all, he was righteous and obedient to God (Mt.1:24). As a stepfather, he did not want the virgin Mary to be disgraced, so he took her as his wife, just as God had requested.

He was a moral and virtuous man, because he kept Mary a virgin until she gave birth to her son Jesus. Then as a carpenter, Joseph was a respected tradesman in his community. With these qualities, along with his responsibility to rear the Son of God, Joseph was the greatest stepfather that ever lived.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Doing My Thing

If you are going to "do your thing", is it really the right thing to do? Did you ask yourself, will it hurt anybody? Will it make a difference? Is it really the right thing to do?

If you have to give these questions a second thought, maybe you should change your mind and not do "that" thing? After all, you really want to do what is right, don't you?

In Romans 12:17 it says, "Respect what is right in the sight of all man". So, when you think about "doing your thing", is it respectful and honest, if it is, go ahead and do it.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Doing God's Will

Have you ever experienced a time when everything seemed to go wrong and then discovered you were not doing God's will?

In the book of Jonah, chapter one, we read that God told Jonah to go to Nineveh. However, he went in the opposite direction and ended up in the belly of a whale.

God used a drastic method to get Jonah's attention and got him to do His will. God desires for each of us to do His will also (Phil.2:13).

Therefore, let us keep focused on God, for when we do, we will have the best life that God has to offer.

Ed Unruh

Monday, December 17, 2007


Gifts come in different sizes and different wrappings. They even come from relatives and friends - and God in heaven.

Over two thousand years ago God sent us His special gift. This gift was for everyone and it was His Son Jesus.

May this gift be yours today and may the Holy Spirit be allowed to dwell in you this coming year (I John 2:20).

Ed Unruh

Monday, December 10, 2007

"X" the Unknown

What do you think of when you see the word Xmas? First of all, the letter X relates to an unknown entity and could be a person, place or thing. So, how do you describe the word "xmas"?

When the x is capitalized, it could refer to a major holiday or anything and could lose it's significance, especially if it is substituted for the Christ of Christmas.

After all, Christ is the One who was born in Bethlehem of Judea (Luke 2:4-7). Later in His life, He would be crucified for your sins and mine. Then on the third day, He rose from the dead finalizing His purpose on this earth. Do you know Him as your personal saviour? Let us respect Christ and change Xmas back to Christmas where it deserves to be.

Ed Unruh

Monday, December 3, 2007

Does God Ever Forget?

There is only one true God, and He knows the past, the present and the future. If He knows everything, is it possible for Him to forget?

According to Isaiah 43:25, The Bible says, "God wipes out our transgressions". That means, when we come to God and confess our sins, He wipes out the sin we ask Him to forgive. In this same verse, God admits that He will remember our sins no more.

That sounds like He actually forgets, right after He forgives. Yes, it is true, God can forget, in fact, it's His choice to do so -- aren't you glad it is!

Ed Unruh

Friday, November 30, 2007

Discrimination & Love

Do you ever feel threatened when you have to associate with someone who is different than you? Discrimination almost always occurs with people who are of a different race, faith or ethnic background.

Jesus Christ, who was born of Jewish decent, associated with tax collectors and sinners (Luke 19:5-7). He was never disrespectful or unkind to anyone who was not Jewish.

So, let us use Jesus as our example to guide us in liking and disliking others. Discrimination could be basically eliminated if we look at others with respect and love. Remember, "God is love"(I John 4:16) and love is no respecter of persons.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Power of One

When you think of physical power, you may visualize a body builder working out. If it is mental power, you may visualize a student involved in reading. In both visuals there are limitations.

Then there is the power of God--the Power of One who's power can be seen all around us. It can be seen in the world He has created (Gen 1:1). Yet to be seen, is the celestial kingdom He is in the process of creating right now, which has no limitations.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


How often does conscience effect the decisions you make? Do you listen to your conscience each time you make a decision? You should listen to your conscience because it will help you make the right decision. In fact, the Bible says, "a good conscience comes from God" (Prov. 28:18).

If you listen to your conscience, you will make the right decision every time. This could change your whole life and actually change you into the person God wants you to be.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Death and Taxes

The two positives in this world are "death and taxes". Regarding taxes, you will have to pay a penalty if they are not paid. Regarding death, the Bible says there is life after death (Acts 17:31).

The Bible also says, there are two final destinations. One is Hell, described in Rev. 20:15, which says it is a place of non-consuming fire. No decision is needed to get there, either. The second destination is Heaven and in order to get there, a decision is required.

Heaven is described in John 14:2. It's a place where God lives and His Son Jesus Christ has already paid the penalty for you. However, the decision that's required, is to believe He paid that penalty for you by dying on the cross 2000 years ago.

Ed Unruh

Monday, November 26, 2007

Daily Attitude

What is your attitude when you begin your week? Does it depend on what day it is? Some days we find it harder to get started. Mondays seem to be more difficult for a lot of people. Then, in the middle of the week, it gets easier because the weekend is coming up.

During the week there will be all kinds of challenges that could change your attitude. Just remember the Bible says, "This is the day the Lord has made, let us be happy and rejoice in it" (Psalm 118:24). So, regardless of what kind of a day you're having, be happy in your attitude and have a good day.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanking God for Thanksgiving

A prayer of thanksgiving

Our Father, who art in Heaven. . .
Thanks-for-giving...us your Son Jesus Christ for 32 years.
Thanks-for-giving...us the way of salvation and eternal life.
Thanks-for-giving...us Christmas, Easter and "Thanksgiving"
so we can remember your Son's birth, crucifixion and ascension.


Ed Unruh

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Thanking God for Everything

God desires for us to do His will, and as our spiritual knowledge increases, that desire will increase as well.

In our daily lives, it is easy to be thankful for the times that give us pleasure. However, it is never easy to give thanks when we are experiencing pain or suffering, or disappointment or any kind whatsoever.

The apostle Paul tells us that we are to give thanks in everything, not just once, but twice. Once is I Thess. 5:18 and once in Eph. 5:20. So, as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday, let us try to do the will of God, which is to thank God for everything.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

The God of Harvest Time

In farmlands across the nation, fruits and vegetables are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall of the year. The farmer looks forward in anticipation to the time when he can reap the harvest and obtain his profit.

This harvest time is sometimes referred to as Thanksgiving, and it is at this time, we want to thank God for His provisions. Yes, it is God who created the sun (Genesis 1:16-18) and along with the rain the crops grow. So, give the God of the harvest-time all the glory He deserves.

Ed Unruh

Monday, November 19, 2007

Making a Decision

If you have a job where you're making a lot of decisions during the day, decision making is easy. However, making a decision outside of your workplace can sometimes be difficult, especially if it is a spiritual decision.

When it comes to accepting Christ as your personal saviour, it seems like there are always other things to do. After all, what possible benefits could there be with salvation, anyway?

First of all, one benefit that will be yours, is the assurance of eternal-life-after-death in a place called heaven where there will be no sickness, no financial worries and that is just the beginning of the benefits. So, don't wait, The Bible, God's Word says, "Now is the accepted time and today is the day of salvation" (II Cor. 6:2).

Ed Unruh

Friday, November 16, 2007


Today, it is exciting to recognize how the Internet makes it possible for anyone to transmit their words to a friend or acquaintance on the other side of the world.

However, this communication does not even begin to compare with the instantaneous communication that is available to the believer.

In God's Word, The Bible, it says, "God's ears are attentive to the prayers of the righteous" (I Peter 3:12). So, get to know Jesus Christ as your personal saviour and you will be able to experience the ultimate form of communication because He can read your thoughts, and there is nothing faster than that.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, November 15, 2007


No matter what kind of a commitment you make in life, you will find it takes a lot of faith. There will be a lot of problems but, with the faith you have, you can get through the problems that you will be encountering.

If the commitment is of a physical nature, the question is, will you have the strength and stamina to see it through to the end? If the commitment is based on your education, have you taken the necessary courses on the subject?

Sometimes, we might take on a spiritual commitment that will take us in an unknown direction. In all these cases we know we will be able to get through it, because in Phil. 4:13 we read, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". So, with God's help, commitment is possible if we try.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Clean Air

It is impossible to smell clean unpolluted air. You can't touch it or see it, but you know it's there.

Faith is very much like clean air, in fact The Bible says it this way: "Faith is the evidence of things not seen"(Heb. 11:1). Likewise, it is impossible to touch or smell faith, but it is possible to have faith in God, whom we cannot see, because, although we can't see Him, He's there.

So believe in Him, and trust in Him, then, by faith, when you get to Heaven, you will never have to breath or smell polluted air again.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

His Father's Will

We are told that that it was His Father's will that Jesus Christ (God's son) would be crucified for our sins. And His crucifiction and resurrection would then make it possible for every human being to be saved from Hell (Matthew 26:39).

Yes, Hell is a real place, and is described as being a place where the unsaved will live after death. Everyone there will be on fire and the fire will continue to burn forever (Mark 9:43). However, there is an alternative place to go, and that place is Heaven.

If you accept Christ as your saviour, which is also "His Father's Will" (II Peter 3:9), Heaven will be your home forever.

Ed Unruh

Monday, November 12, 2007

Searching the Internet

Today, nearly everyone is searching the internet. It starts from childhood and continues through retirement age.

We use the internet in business and pleasure. It is used to communicate with friends and loved ones. The internet has unlimited possibilities which means it can reach out to many unknown areas.

In the Bible we are told that we have the mind of Christ (I Cor. 2:16). If this is true, and we believe that it is, we need always to keep this in mind as we search the internet.

Ed Unruh

Friday, November 9, 2007

Healing Power

When we are sick from a virus, or when a problem occurs in our body, we realize we need to go to someone who can help us. When we hurt and just want the pain to go away, that's when we go to God in prayer.

God is a loving God and because He loves us so much, He wants to answer our request more than anything else. When He listens to us and knows what we need, He will do what is best for us each and every time.

Because God is a loving and powerful God, we know He has the right to answer any way He chooses. We also know that prayer is powerful, that's why we need to keep praying, for He alone will give to us.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Choosing a Candidate

Prior to an election, it's important to find a candidate who has the ability to lead their party in all of the important issues.

Nearly 2000 years ago, one man lived on this earth who had many followers and they saw him as their leader. This man's name was Jesus Christ.

He was God's only son and before He died on the cross, He was perfect in every way. He was an ideal candidate to die on the cross for your sins and mine. He was God's gift to us. All we have to do is vote for Him as our Lord and Saviour.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Child Behavior

It's hard to imagine any child being perfect in his or her behavior. The Bible tells us that Jesus, God's son, was perfect in every way. In fact, He was called the Perfect Lamb in Rev. 5:12.

What does this mean? Because He was "The Perfect Lamb," He was chosen to be crucified for your sin and mine. Then, by believing He was buried and rose on the third day, salvation is guaranteed for all of us.

As an adult, we know that Jesus resisted temptation (Heb.4:15). When He was baptized, His Father (God) said, "This is My beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased" (Mt.3:17). Yes, it is probable that as a child, Jesus was perfect in His behavior as well.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Challenging Times

Back in Genesis 22, Abraham was challenged by God. It happened when God asked him to sacrifice His only son Isaac. This was a real test that would prove that Abraham loved God more than his own son.

We are not expected to prove our love for God as Abraham did, but we do encounter challenging times that can be just as difficult.

During the test of Abraham's love, he told his son that the Lord would provide, and that's exactly what God did, when He provided the lamb as the sacrifice.

If God is the same today as He was yesterday, and His Word tells us He is (Mal.3:6), then we know God will provide for us, in our challenging times today as well.

Ed Unruh

Monday, November 5, 2007

Benefits of Salvation

God is pleased when we have fellowship with Him in prayer as He is the one who taught us too pray (Mt. 6:9). If we just trust Him in our daily lives, we will experience His benefits and His blessings.

Never underestimate God's power, for it is He who answers our prayers. God looks forward to our communication with Him. So let us be faithful to Him in every way. For these are the benefits of salvation.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Be Alert

Today we live in a dangerous world with terrorists who are not afraid to die for their cause. They will strike anytime and anywhere. Satan is a lot like that. He tempts us anytime we take our eyes off of God.

Satan even tempted Jesus once for 40 days (Matt. 4:2). After He was tempted, He said, "Be gone Satan! For it is written, you shall worship the Lord your God only". When He said this, Satan left Him.

As children of God, we can "resist the Devil and he will flee from us" (James 4:7). So, be alert at all times, for Satan is out there.

Ed Unruh

The Healer

Disease causes pain and suffering, however, today we have morphine and other pain remedies to relieve our pain. In some cases the pain can be eliminated altogether.

In The Bible, it says, the Lord heals all diseases (Psalm 103:2-3). This sounds like all our diseases will be healed. However, we know that they don't all get healed. So what is the answer here? Why aren't all the diseases healed?

Everyone who is healed, gets healed by God. That is because God is the one heals (Ex. 15:26). So don't hesitate, pray and ask God to heal you when you're sick. After all, He's the one doing the healing.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Good Life

We talk about the "Good Life", but what is the Good Life today? Is it a life style of good times -- financial security, or something else?

In Calcutta, Mother Teresa lived a life of serving. Too her, this was the good life. She never complained, and never had a desire to change the life she lived. That life was a life of giving to others. She has been quoted to say, "God doesn't call me to be successful, but to be faithful. This was the Good Life in her eyes.

In Psalm 31:23, the psalmist says, "The Lord preserves the faithful". We have to say that Mother Teresa was truly faithful throughout her life. What is your definition of The Good Life?

Ed Unruh

Friday, October 26, 2007

Jealousy and Envy

Have you ever become jealous or envious? Envy will change your attitude unless you keep it in control.

Prior to Jesus' crucifixion, the high priests were envious of Him. Wherever He went, His reputation followed Him. He even claimed to be king of the Jews (Mt. 27:11). For this reason the high priests were afraid the Romans would take away the power they had over the Jews (John 11:45-48). Because of their envy, the high priests were the first ones at Jesus' trial to encourage His crucifixion.

Yes, envy can develop into a driving force that can kill and destroy. It's really something that needs to be in control at all times.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Home Invasion

by Rebecca Hagelin

Middle class moms and dads have long sought safety for their children in the nurturing haven of the cul-de-sac. Like a safe harbor at the edge of an angry sea, the suburban neighborhood is an environment of protection from the world and all its dangers. Or is it?

In Home Invasion, Rebecca Hagelin proves that in today's all-consuming culture of corruption there is nowhere left to hide-American homes have already been invaded by this insidious enemy that seeks to twist our minds and poison our hearts through the unmonitored Internet, television, magazines, and music that our families ingest on a daily basis. Speaking as a nationally known social commentator and as a mother of three, Hagelin shows through specific examples and alarming statistics how the enemy has infected the family van, our neighborhood schools and textbooks, the stores in which we shop, and even the churches in which we worship.

With warm words of encouragement and practical suggestions, she coaches parents on how to arm themselves with information, strategically plan the movements of their family members, secure allies in the battle, and most of all, muster the guts and the resolve to lead their families to victory against the great beast.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Is Peace Possible?

Today the world is looking for peace and is unable to find it. Perhaps they are looking in all the wrong places.

The Bible tells us that Jesus is the Prince-of-peace (Isaiah 9:6). And in Matthew 24:6 this same Jesus states that there will be wars and rumors of war on this earth. So, as hard as we try--peace will not come to us in this life.

The only real peace possible, will be in the life hereafter (Isaiah 2:4). Then and only then, when the Prince-of-peace returns to this earth will there be peace. Are you ready for Him to return?

Ed Unruh

Monday, October 22, 2007

Difficult Times

As we go through life, there will be difficult times and we won't know what to do, or which way to turn.

One answer is to turn to God's Word, The Bible and look at Proverbs 3:5 & 6. These verses say we are to "Trust in God with all your heart" and then it says, "if we acknowledge Him, He will straighten our paths". What does this all mean? It means God wants us to recognize Him for who He is -- the "God of all gods, the Great, the Mighty and the Awesome God" (Deut. 10:17).

Whenever you have a difficult time, acknowledge Him, for He is aware of that difficult problem you're going through and He'll get you through it each and every time.

Ed Unruh

Friday, October 19, 2007


Sometimes there are changes in life, and regardless of these changes, we have the assurance that God is with us in all things (Psalm 139:8). We are also aware that He goes before us to make the rough places smooth (Isa. 45:2).

As we look back in the past, we can see where our Heavenly Father was with us in the good times and the bad times. And He will be with us in the future, as well (Mt. 28:20).

So, don't worry about any changes that will take place, they will come -- look forward to them. Psalm 46:1-2 reminds us of how God is our refuge and strength. He is our security and we need not fear what lies ahead of us.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Do you know that your attitude right now will have an effect on every person you come in contact with? In the next few minutes, your attitude can be encouraging or discouraging to those around you. The outcome depends on you. Attitude is very important and we have to be on guard all the time.

What is your attitude right now?/ Will you have control over it tomorrow? We really don't know, but have to be aware of it all the time. If the nest person you come in contact with needs comforting, you will want to help them if you can. And you can if you have the right attitude.

It is important to know God works in and through us for His good pleasure (Phil 2:13). Knowing this, we will want to keep our attitude in control. We can't be perfect all the time, but, the right attitude is necessary at all times.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Trouble-Free Challenge

If you put your trust in God, will you be able to live a trouble-free life?

It really doesn't work that way. In fact, the only trouble-free life that will ever be available will be for the people who make it to heaven. And, only the ones that make it there will be those who have taken the challenge to accept God's plan of salvation.

When Jesus Christ, God's Son, returns to this earth, He will take everyone who has accepted Christ as their personal saviour up to heaven with Him (see John 3:3).

Then, and only then, will a trouble-free life become a reality. Are you ready for the challenge?

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Are You Pro-Choice?

When Adam and Eve were created, they were given the right of choice. Today we have the same right, except we call it pro-choice. So, pro-choice goes all the way back to the beginning of time.

God's Word, the Holy Bible, makes it clear that salvation is a matter of choice, and God's offer is good anytime. He personally desires that you will accept His offer.

When He says He does not wish for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance, (II Peter 3:9). He also says in Romans 10:13, "Whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved". It's your choice!

Ed Unruh

Monday, October 15, 2007

Are You Different?

If someone asked you that question, what would you say? You would likely answer the question with a question and say, "different than what, or different than who? You would have a perfect right to ask the question, because, the question needs clarification.

Actually, everybody is different, no two people are identical. Even identical twins are different, because their desires and their thoughts are different. However, we don't have to share our thoughts with God. In Psalm 94:11 we read, "the Lord knows the thoughts of man". Yes, He knows our thoughts and He is the one who created each one of us to be different.

Ed Unruh

Friday, October 12, 2007

Blood Donors Wanted

Have you ever considered making a heart donation? It doesn't take that long to get signed up, because there are no forms to fill out.

This is how it is done. "If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). That's all there is to it.

If you follow that simple procedure, your heart will be donated to God before you know it. Because it's so easy to do, why not do it right now? Tomorrow may be to late.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, October 11, 2007


When you pray does God always answer? The Bible says He does! In Isaiah 65:24, the Lord says, "Before they call, I will answer".

If you didn't receive your answer, it may be that God is answering in a different way then you anticipated. Did you know His thoughts are different than ours? That is what it says in Isaiah 55:8.

God knows the future better than we do, so, we may have to wait a little longer. However, the answers will come and when they do, you'll know it.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Always There

Whenever a new year begins, every day is the same which contains 1440 minutes. In 2001 there was a tragedy and many lives were lost in New York City. In just a matter of a few minutes, the two World Trade Towers came crashing down.

When that happened, God was there. How do we know this for sure? Because, His Word, The Bible, tells us in the book of Hebrews 13:5 that God never leaves us. So, He had to be there every minute on the 11th of September.

Now it is time for us to get on with our lives. You will want to look ahead with renewed energy - and when you do, be sure you include God in your plans. You will find He is ALWAYS THERE, regardless of what happens.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Internet Safety Pledge for Middle and High School

  1. I will talk with my parents or guardian about their expectations and ground rules for going online. The rules will include the time of day I may be online, the length of time I may be online, whom I may communicate with online, and appropriate areas for me to visit online.

  2. I will keep my identity private. I will never share my full name, mailing address, phone number, name of my school, photo or other information that someone could use to determine my identity.

  3. I will never respond to any online communication that makes me feel uncomfortable. I will tell a trusted adult if I come across any information that makes me feel scared, uncomfortable or confused. I will never respond to messages that are rude or offensive. I will show the message to a trusted adult right away.

  4. I will never meet in person with anyone I have first "met" online without discussing it with my parents or guardian. I won't meet in person with anyone unless my parents or guardian agree to the meeting and will go with me, and the meeting will be in a public place.

  5. I will respect other people's rights while online. The Internet is a community and my online behavior affects others. I will always treat others in the way I would like to be treated. I will respect copyright laws and check on sources. When writing reports I will make sure that the online sources of information are credible and I will cite my sources.

More information is available from 1-800-THE-LOST or NetSmartz.org.

Media Discernment Resources

from the

Home Series: The Family Room

Here’s some additional resources from Sunday’s sermon. Email me at the address below if you have additional resources or would like to continue the conversation.

Pastor Mark

Internet Filters


Music, TV, Movies and Game Reviews


Michael Medvid




Internet Contracts


More choices and information:













Philippians 4:8: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."

Pastor Mark

Neighborhood Christian Fellowship


Internet Pornography Statistics

Pornographic websites

4.2 million (12% of total websites)

Pornographic pages

420 million

Daily pornographic search engine requests

68 million (25% of total search engine requests)

Daily pornographic emails

2.5 billion (8% of total emails)

Internet users who view porn


Received unwanted exposure to sexual material


Average daily pornographic emails/user

4.5 per Internet user

Monthly Pornographic downloads (Peer-to-peer)

1.5 billion (35% of all downloads)

Daily Gnutella "child pornography" requests


Websites offering illegal child pornography


Sexual solicitations of youth made in chat rooms


Youths who received sexual solicitation

1 in 7 (down from 2003 stat of 1 in 3)

Worldwide visitors to pornographic web sites

72 million visitors to pornography: Monthly

Internet Pornography Sales

$4.9 billion

Children Internet Pornography Statistics

Average age of first Internet exposure to pornography

11 years old

Largest consumer of Internet pornography

35 - 49 age group

15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures


8-16 year olds having viewed porn online

90% (most while doing homework)

7-17 year olds who would freely give out home address


7-17 year olds who would freely give out email address


Children's character names linked to thousands of porn links

26 (Including Pokemon and Action Man)

Adult Internet Pornography Statistics

Men admitting to accessing pornography at work


US adults who regularly visit Internet pornography websites

40 million

Promise Keeper men who viewed pornography in last week


Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home


Adults admitting to Internet sexual addiction


Breakdown of male/female visitors to pornography sites

72% male - 28% female

Women and Pornography

Women keeping their cyber activities secret


Women struggling with pornography addiction


Ratio of women to men favoring chat rooms


Percentage of visitors to adult websites who are women

1 in 3 visitors

Women accessing adult websites each month

9.4 million

Women admitting to accessing pornography at work


Why Internet Filter Software?

The Internet is one of the greatest inventions of all time. As our families become increasingly intertwined with it, the more active role we must take to protect our loved ones from Internet pornography. Although nothing can take the place of a well-informed parent that takes an active part in their children's online activities, Internet filter software adds a strong, additional layer of defense-giving parents an added measure of control and further peace of mind.

Internet filter software gives you the ability to control content displayed, block websites and set up passwords. Powerful services like email filtering, popup blocking and chat room monitoring are just some of the tools available with today's Internet filter software-each designed to protect against and counteract the tactics of aggressive online porn companies.

With so many Internet filter software choices available, researching and choosing the Internet filter that's right for your family can be complex and time-consuming-that's where we can help.

Within this site, you'll find articles about Internet pornography, recent news stories, side-by-side comparisons and comprehensive reviews on Internet filter software that will help you make a fast, informed decision. At TopTenREVIEWS - We do the research so you don't have to.

What to look for in Internet Filter Software

Even though the perfect Internet Filter does not exist in today's marketplace, there are a number of great solutions depending on your family's needs. Below are the criteria TopTenREVIEWS used to evaluate Internet filter software:

  • Ease of Use – The most important attribute an Internet filter program can offer is an easy-to-use design, making it possible for people with all levels of computer experience to easily install and use the filter to its fullest capacity.

  • Effective at filtering – Top Internet filter software offers a good balance between filtering objectionable material and not filtering too much content. Another important aspect is the ability to customize the filter's sensitivity for each family member.

  • Filtering algorithm – The best filter programs use a combination of filtering techniques, including URL filtering, keyword filtering and dynamic filtering.

  • Activity reporting – The most useful Internet filter software offer reports on what each family member has been doing on the computer, which includes websites visited, chat room activities and so on.

  • Client-Server based – Good filtering programs offer a flexible platform which allows users to decide whether their optimal filtering solution is client (home computer) based, server (Proxy or ISP) based or a combination of both.

  • Foreign language filtering – Effective Internet filter programs offer the capacity to filter keywords in multiple languages. One of the tricks that many teenagers have discovered to bypass Internet filters is to type in the foreign language equivalent of certain keywords.

  • Port filtering and blocking – Filtering programs should block or filter all major Internet protocols, including web access, chat rooms, email, peer-to-peer networks, bulletin boards and popup windows

With Internet filter software and proper supervision, parents can keep their families safe and sound from the ever-present problem of online pornography.

To read our top-ranked Internet filter software review, click here.

Harvest Time

In farmlands across the nation, fruits and vegetables are planted in the spring and harvested in the fall of the year. The farmer looks forward with anticipation to the time when he can reap the harvest and obtain his profit.

The Harvest Time, is sometimes referred to as Thanksgiving and it is at this time that we thank God for His provisions.

Yes, it is God who has provided the rain and the sun that made the crops grow. So, give the God of HARVEST TIME all the glory He deserves.

Ed Unruh

Monday, October 8, 2007

Angel Power

In this generation, angels seem to play a large part in our daily lives. In entertainment, in books and art. In some cases there have been personal encounters with them.

In 30 A.D., we read in the Bible that there was a severe earthquake which preceded an angel descending from heaven. The angel rolled the stone away from the tomb where Jesus had been buried after His crucifixion. This allowed several witnesses to see that the tomb was empty.

Isn't it exciting how God is in control of the angelic hosts, then and now?

Ed Unruh

Monday, October 1, 2007

Advantage & Disadvantage

If you want to talk to the president of the United States, the disadvantage is that you will have to ask permission first. However if you want to talk to God, you do not have to ask permission.

God's Word, The Bible, tells us that God desires our fellowship with both Him and His Son Jesus Christ (I John 1:3). So why not take advantage of every opportunity you have and talk to Him.

Another advantage we can expect from God, is that He keeps His promises (Mt. 28:20) and He does answer (Jer. 33:3).

Finally, the main advantage is that He's with us and never leaves us (Mt. 28:20)

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 24, 2007


Everyone has some ability, what's yours? It's possible that what you're reading right now was written by someone who had the ability to write. Likewise not everyone has the ability to read, but, you do. So, where does our ability come from? Actually, the abilities we have come through a learning process.

Every learning process makes it possible for us to be where we are today. Do you realize how many abilities you use every day and every week? Many abilities are physical and many that are used are mental. Without them, you would never make it through the day, let alone the week.

Another area in the ability process, are the abilities God supplies for us. Because God's ability goes above and beyond ours, He has the ability to do more for us than we can do ourselves. So, when you don't have the ability to do what you want to do, don't hesitate to ask God for His help. His ability is endless.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Stepfathers have the same family responsibilities as fathers. When God's Son Jesus was born, Joseph was chosen to be his stepfather. So, let's see just what kind of example he was 2000 years ago!

First of all, he was righteous and obedient to God (Mt, 1:24). As a stepfather, he did not want to disgrace the virgin Mary, so he took her as his wife, just as God had requested.

He was a moral and virtuous man, because he kept Mary a virgin, until she gave birth to her son Jesus. And as a carpenter, Joseph was a respected tradesman in his community. With these qualities along with his responsibility to rear the Son of God, Joseph was the greatest stepfather that ever lived.

Ed Unruh

Friday, September 14, 2007

Is Death Ever Premature?

When our loved one dies, it often seems premature regardless of their age. We worry about the future and wonder how we will be able to go on without them. The answer is, with God's help it will be possible.

But, will God be there when we need Him? Actually, God is always there (Mt. 28:20). But, if they die young, isn't it premature? No! It is possible that they may have been young, but it was not premature.

God is in control and continues to be in control no matter when we die. He is the one who gives life and the one who controls death (Deut. 32:39).

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wearing Out

When was the last time you heard someone say, "they just don't make things like that anymore!". Perhaps you were the one who said it. It may have had to do with your clothes, or your furniture. Anyway, if it was, you now need to buy some new one's.

Is there anything we can do about this? Of course there is. We can redesign the clothes or rebuild the furniture using better quality material. What about our bodies? They don't seem to last forever either, but, we do have a God who can heal every kind of disease and sickness (Math.4:23).

How many times has God healed your body, and it is still wearing out, just like our clothes and our furniture did? How would you like to live forever? You can, if you accept Christ into your heart (John 3:16).

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Reminder

From the beginning of time, God has allowed everyone the right to make decisions. One major decision for all of us is to decide what our destination will be after death. If you have decided to wait and think there is plenty of time, here is a Reminder.

On September 11, 2001, thousands of people began their normal workday in the World Trade Towers in Manhattan New York. Suddenly and without warning, an airplane flew into one of the 110 story towers and exploded on impact. Then a second one hit the other tower and exploded as well. In just a matter of minutes both towers fell to the ground.

Life and death is unknown. Only God knows the length of your life (Deut 32:39). God's Word - The Bible, says, "Today is the accepted time and the Day of Salvation" (II Cor.6:2). There are no guarantees in life. Unless you make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, there are none in death either.

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 10, 2007


Every day, throughout our lives, we are making decisions. Most of these have to be made right away and some can wait. In the Bible we read in Psalm 27:14 where it says, "Wait on the Lord". What does this mean and how does it apply to us today?

For one thing, God's timing is different from ours. So, there may be some times when it would be best to wait before a decision is made. If you are undecided and hesitate when making a decision, take it to God in prayer and wait for His answer.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Spiritual Intimacy

Oswald Chambers said..."When once we get intimate with Jesus, we are never lonely".

In our daily quiet time with the Lord, a strong feeling of intimacy is possible. This intimacy has the potential of developing into a very strong personal relationship with God.

Once we become involved in Him this way, we will experience an attitude change. There is nothing wrong with that, for with an attitude change we become even more attracted with God.

He becomes more personal, and it is easier for us to confide in Him with our most intimate concerns. When we develop this kind of closeness, we've reached the greatest plateau we could possibly attain.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Things to Do

There are a lot of things we want to do and a lot of things we have to do in our daily routine. When it comes to things we have to do, one thing we will have to do is to die. It sounds serious and it is not something we want to think about, but, it is something we will have to do.

Basically, we don't have any choice in the matter, because, in the Bible it says,"everyone, is destined to die and after that we will be judged" (Heb. 9:27). Then, all who have accepted Christ as their Saviour, will live forever and will never see death again, but, we will have to die to get to the point of everlasting life.

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hearing & Listening

Hearing is different from listening. Hearing does not require a response, but when there is a two-way conversation, the listener is expected to respond.

In Jeremiah 29:12 God says, "when you pray to Me, I will listen to you". So, when God says He will listen to our prayers, we expect Him to respond as well.

In Jeremiah 33:3, God says, call to Me and I will answer you". Now, if the response does not come immediately and there is a silence, then silence is God's answer. Accept it in faith believing God did answer, just as He said He would.

Ed Unruh

Friday, August 31, 2007

Heart Donors Wanted

Have you ever considered making a heart donation? It does not take that long to get signed up, because there are no forms to fill out.

This is how it's done. If you confess that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved" (Romans 10:9). That's all there is to it.

If you follow that simple procedure, your heart will be donated to God before you know it. Because it is so easy to do, why not do it right now? Tomorrow my be to late.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Doing God's Work

As Christians, we are told to "Be steadfast always abounding in the work of the Lord" (I Cor. 15:58).

So, what is the work that the Lord requires us to do? First of all, His will is plainly stated in II Peter 3:9 which says, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to know His Son as their personal saviour.

Then if we are going to do God's work, it will be the respondsibility of each Christian to encourage the non-Christian to accept Christ as their personal saviour.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

We're Praying for you Ed!

Our wonderful blog author, Ed Unruh, is currently recovering from knee surgery.

Ed - our prayers are with you and we wish you a speedy recovery!

Monday, August 6, 2007

How's Your Faith?

In the gospel of Mark it says, "Have faith in God". Is your faith in God as strong as it should be? Robert Schuller, senior pastor of the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove CA says, "faith is a steady, stable and steadfast process of opening your conscious and subconscious mind through prayer".

So, what does all that mean? It means that faith is a gradual process and prayer will strengthen it during that process. Right now your faith may be weak and if it is, just concentrate on your prayer life and watch how your faith gets stronger.

Ed Unruh

Friday, August 3, 2007

Doing God's Work

As Christians, we are told to, "be steadfast in the work of the Lord" (I Cor. 15:58).

So, what is the work that the Lord requires us to do? First of all, His will is plainly stated in II Peter 3:9 which says, God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come too know His Son as their personal saviour.

Then, if we are going to do God's work, it will be the responsibility of each Christian to encourage each non-christian to accept Christ as their personal saviour.

Ed Unruh

Monday, July 30, 2007

Helmet of Salvation

So often when we enter into our daily time of prayer, we find it difficult to keep focused, because our mind has been distracted.

In order to avoid this distraction, which is one of the devil's tricks, it is necessary for us to ask God to provide us with a hedge-of-protection.

In the sixth chapter of Ephesians, Paul reminds us that we are wrestling with the "rulers of darkness". and we are to put on the full armor of God at all times.

When the devil tries to trick us, it's at that time we need God's help - we all do. So, as we enter into prayer, let's pray for the Helmet-of-salvation to be in place, so it will protect our mind from the enemy.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, July 26, 2007

How Bright is the Light

In Psalm 139, the psalmist tries to explain the brilliancy of God in the twelfth verse by saying, "The darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You" (NIV).

In John 8:12, we read that when Jesus was on this earth and speaking to the people, He said, "I am the light of the world, he who follows me shall not walk in the darkness, but shall have the light of life". Just how is this possible?

James explains it, when he refers to God as the Father Of Lights with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow (James 1:17). Literally or figuratively, there is no brighter light than our God.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Hang In There

If you want to make it in this world, it is necessary to set a goal. However, it could take some time before that decision is made. But, hang in there, because it will happen, and when it does you will know it.

Once your goal has been set, you will have to make every effort to keep your eyes on that goal. If there is a setback - and it could happen, just hang in there . In Philippines 3:13 we read, "we should forget what's behind and move forward to what lies ahead.

No one ever wants anything to go wrong, but, now that you have determined your goal, you need to be on your guard all the time. Make sure you don't lose it. Keep in focus, hang in there and you will make it.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Water of Life

Today, natural spring water is purified an sold in stores and vending machines throughout the world. Water is vital to all plant and animal life. Without water, life would not exist.

In the Bible we are told that Jesus stopped by a well and asked the woman at the well for a drink of water. In their conversation Jesus mentioned that the water from the well would satisfy His thirst for now, but, in time He would be thirsty again, (John chapter four).

Then He told her, He had water that would become a perpetual spring within anyone who was willing to accept it. And they would never be thirsty again. Do you know that the very same water of Life is available from God today? All you have to do is ask for it, for God has an unlimited supply.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Wesleyan Church

Annual Church Conference


June 10, 2007

From The Pastor

John 1:14 summarizes so much of Jesus’ ministry as he moved among the people of his day. Our vision is based upon this scriptural principle of living our lives out in our neighborhood—no matter where that may be.

We are a Christian community called to worship God by impacting our neighborhood through meeting physical, educational and spiritual needs, resulting in devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

Vision statements can be meaningless unless acted upon. The Staff and Leadership are accountable to God, the Wesleyan Church and you, the NCF community, to live out this vision. As you read through this annual summary, you will see how dynamic your Staff, Leadership, and Volunteers are in fulfilling our vision. In the pages to follow, you will see evidence of what God is doing among us. It is noteworthy that we took a few more steps this year in moving closer to becoming a true ministry center in our neighborhood.

Brian McLaren in More Ready Than You Realize writes about what the church’s motivation ought to be:

“We are a community bound together and energized by faith, love and commitment to Jesus Christ. Even thought you don’t yet share that faith, love, and commitment, you are most welcome to be with us, to belong here, to experience what we’re about. Then if you are attracted and persuaded by what you see, you’ll want to set down roots here long-term. And even if you don’t, you’ll always be a friend (p.84-85).

My prayer is that everyone who is touched by our ministries will be persuaded to become “fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ”.

Still in His Grip,

Dr. Gordon L. Coulter

Senior Pastor

Assistant/Administrative Pastor

I rejoice in serving with each of you this past year. It has been both a privilege and honor to serve with you in “reaching the neighborhood.” I thank God for you and your faithfulness to Christ, your love for all His people, and your willingness to share the gospel with your Godly lifestyle. Vikki and I would also like to thank you personally for your generosity in supporting us in traveling to Indonesia. What an awesome trip to partner together with you on. Thank you. After going to Indonesia, I feel like Paul’s words in Colossians are directed towards us: “All over the world this gospel is bearing fruit and growing, just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and understood God’s grace and truth.” (Col 1:6) It’s fascinating to see how God is moving in His people, in you and me, and how we are called to serve in the community as parts of something bigger than ourselves. It is truly exciting - an adventure - to serve Him together.

The following is a list of some of the projects and ministries your Assistant/Administrative Pastor has been involved with the past year:

Facility Improvements

· Facility improvements of electrical, air conditioning, PA and lighting systems, plumbing and drainage systems, doorways, trash collection and kitchen facilities.

· Updating of computer systems hardware and software and new wireless network system

· Coordinating the upgrades to two houses for SSFW move-in as well as facility upgrades for the APU Counseling Center move-in

Ministries and Christian Education

Serving in three “hands-on” ministries by teaching the Faith Builders Class, Men’s Prayer Group, and starting a small group at our home

· Part of pastoral team for visitation, hospital visits, prayer, preaching and teaching

· Ordering of education curriculum and point person for 40 Days of Community

Staffing and Administration

· Coordination of administrative staff changes in front office and volunteer staffing

· Assisting in management of all staff and participation in staff, board and sub-committee meetings; participated in staff evaluations and reviews

· Coordination of EOT Reloaded, Marketing Committee, Finance Committee, Nominating Committee, and Tech Team formation.

Administration of Christian Partners in Ministry

· Coordination of addition of one new congregation – Sanctuary of Praiseand two new Christian partners in ministry – 12 Step Program/AA and APU Family Counseling Center

· Involvement with Christian partners of non-profits (five now) and four congregations as administrator and coordinator including contract negotiation and space management

· Became Interim Executive Director for Arrow Community Center to assist in re-start of programs, grant seeking and board re-building

· Privileged to go to Indonesia with my wife and experience what God is doing in Asia; coordination of Abbalove LA sessions with Pastor Eddy speaking

I would like to acknowledge and thank our office staff, Teri Harrison and Aniko Sebestyen, and our volunteers, Beverly Gotts, Charlotte and Tracy Wilborn, Sue Wolkins, Sheri Burdick, and Katie Taylor.

By far, the biggest privilege I have had this year is the opportunity to be part of this body of Christ and watch as God is moving in your lives and mine. This is a wonderful place of community, and I’m honored to be serving here with each of you.

Serving Together for Christ,

Pastor Mark Bargaehr

Missions & Outreach

Phil and Becky Davis, Suriname, South America

Since the Davis family ministered at Neighborhood Christian Fellowship on July 9, 2006, they have visited many churches obtaining Faith Promise support in preparation for their new ministry in Belgium. As Phil continued to prepare for this move, he received an e-mail from the school of Theology saying that they are recommending him to the University of Leuven for acceptance as a student in their school. With confirmations like this, they know they are moving in the direction God wants them to go. Their goal is to arrive in Belgium by the end of September, for the start of the next academic year.

NCF financial support this year totaled $2,800.

Love In The Name of Christ (Love Inc.)

For several years, NCF provided space to store linens (towels, sheets and blankets). However, this is no longer being done, but we do support this organization financially. Their mission is to link legitimate needs of hurting people with caring Christian churches and community resources. They keep in contact with 126 churches in the Northeast San Gabriel Valley.

NCF financial support this year totaled $1,200.

Darrel and Kathy Grasman, San Jose, Costa Rica

Darrel has been involved with Operation Mobilization for several years. His most recent endevour has been to arrange seminars on evangelism, leadership, AIDS and prayer-intercession in thirty churches in Costa Rica. Kathy is a director of weekly Bible studies with a few of the Costa Rican women in their local church.

NCF financial support this year totaled $1,200.

Marsha Wilson, Youth For Christ & TLC

Marsha continues to put a strong emphasis on the TLC Club which is a support service for Pregnant and Parenting teens, allowing them to socialize and grow spiritually.

NCF financial support this year totaled $1,200.

Pastor Reynaldo Ramirez, Vida Nueva en Jesus

New life in Jesus, Latino Outreach. This ministry continues to remain strong in their outreach to the Hispanic community, Under the leadership of Pastor Reynaldo.

NCF financial support this year totaled $2,400.

Melynee Bargaehr, Sonrise Christian, Ghana, Africa

Melynee is teaching an English course at Sonrise High School in the city of Ho, Ghana. She is developing an addendum to the curriculum focusing on public health.

NCF financial support this year totaled $250.

I would like to thank our Missions Outreach Committee: Tracy Wilborn, Pastor Reynaldo Ramirez, and Pastor Gordon Coulter for all their support and assistance throughout this past year.

Ed Unruh


Children's Ministry

Want to raise your child with a sound foundation of faith? Looking for a church that can help? Neighborhood Christian Fellowship has many different programs for children of all ages. We focus not only on spending one-on-one quality time with each child, but ensuring that every moment spent with them is used as an opportunity to teach them about the Lord and the way in which he wants us to live. We not only welcome each new child, but encourage parents to spend time with their child, developing a relationship with the Lord as a family.

Sunday Programs:

9:15—10:15—Sunday School for children of all ages

10:30—11:45—”Big Church” for Toddlers through 6th grade

Wednesday Programs:

6:45—8:30—September through May—A.W.A.N.A.

Cubbies (2 years—Kindergarten)

Sparks and T&T (1 –5 grade)

July 30 to August 3, 2007—Vacation Bible School

(3 years—5th grade)

Completed Events:

Vacation Bible School

AWANA Closing Ceremonies

“Treasure Hunt” Summer Programs (Wed.)

Beginning of Year 4 AWANA

Christmas Program

Valentine Fundraiser

Palm Sunday Program

Easter Program

Magic Show

Upcoming Events:

Dessert Auction

Remodeling of Toddler Room

AWANA Closing Ceremonies (Year 4)

Vacation Bible School

Summer Overnighters

Wednesday Night Summer Activities

Beginning of Year 5 AWANA

Pancake Breakfast

A very special thank you to all of the teachers and volunteers who have dedicated their time and resources into the children at our church..

Sunday Morning Teachers:

Nursery—Ms. Mary Nodine

Toddler—Ms. Catherine Childs, Ms. Kristy Hetzer

Preschool—Mrs. Gladys Wilson

Elementary—Mrs. Vikki Bargaehr

Missions—Mrs. Sue Wolkins, Ms. Nancy Fukuhara, Ms. Katie Taylor

AWANA Teachers:

Cubbies—Mrs. Kim Roset, Ms. Tracy Wilborn

Sparks and T&T—Ms. Katie Taylor, Mrs, Amanda Adams, Ms. Kristy Hetzer, Mrs. Janine Codoner, Dr. Earl Gotts, Mr. Scott Drury, Mrs. Elizabeth Drury

May you have the opportunity to see the way in which you have blessed the children in the years to come.

Desiree Burton, Director of Children’s Ministries

Youth Ministries

We just completed a great year! Our vision as a youth group is…

We are a Christian community called to worship God by impacting our neighborhood through meeting physical, educational, and spiritual needs, resulting in devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

We completed the following events:

· Youth Sunday

· Surf Camp

· Junior High Winter Camp

· Union Rescue Mission

· Paintball

· Bike Trip

The following are our goals for next year:

· More Intentional Spiritual Formation

· Start Small Groups

· Recruit and train adult small group leaders

I would like to acknowledge and thank our volunteers:

Ernie Reyes, Nora Reyes, Katie Adams, John Beers, and Dick Adams

Dave Johnson

Youth Pastor

The Gathering

The Neighborhood Christian Fellowship College and Career Ministry meets in the Youth Room at NCF on Thursday nights at 8 pm. We are a committed group of people who are growing spiritually through deep Bible study and discussion. We have five values that are held highly, they include: prayer, spiritual growth, service, evangelism and encouragement.

We are a group in transition. We have had large numbers in the past but now we are a small core. We are transitioning to be a group of people that studies the Bible diligently and prays for each other. The young twenties age group is a historically difficult age group to reach out to. Therefore, our model is changing from a group that reaches out to a group that builds each other up spiritually so that our other (Youth/Children) ministries can be healthy and growing.


and Related Ministries

During this year classes have been held for membership and for baptism. These classes have prepared people who have accepted Christ as Savior to publicly demonstrate their commitment to Christ. These classes have also covered the basic teachings of the church, the responsibility of Christians to the church and opportunity to identify with this church and the Wesleyan movement.

Other training activities have also been held. Last summer Pastor Mark, Pastor Gordon, and Pastor Gotts held an 8 week parenting seminar. Pastor Earl met with children’s workers to discuss positive classroom management. Pastor Earl also consulted with a number of programs and people.

This year has also presented opportunities for small groups. The “Forty Days of Community” had at its base 11 small groups. For six weeks these groups met to personalize the basic teaching and concepts of the emphases.

During “Forty Days of Community” each small group selected a project to serve the community of the church or the community in which we live. From these projects the ”Dare Ministry” was born. The need to be sure that people who are in the hospital, shut in, ill, seniors, and absentees are contacted and their needs met. This also included senior transportation when needed. Below are the results of this ministry from November 2006 through May 2007:

Hospital Visits 61

Phone Calls to Seniors 142

Phone Calls to Absentees 100

Phone Calls to Shut Ins and Health Issues 133

Also, the “Cookie Ministry” continues to follow up on first-time visitors.

Calendar meeting has been held to coordinate facility use and calendar issues. It is the objective of the meetings to encourage long term planning and communication.

After the “Forty Days of Community” eight groups continued through out the year. On normal weeks about 50 people will be in small groups. Pastor Mark and Vicki have just started a new Home group with a primary objective of discipleship.

In the coming year it is expected that the small groups will continue and additional groups will be added. The goal is, by the end of the year, to have at least one small every day of the week at various times. Pastor Earl will be starting a six week training program called “Adventures in Ministry” during the Sunday School Hour to introduce people to God’s calling to the ministries of the church and to encourage people to commit to finding their place in ministry. This program also provides some basic skill development.

Pastor Mark will continue to hold and monitor the Crown Ministries seminars. Consultations will continue to be held and training provided to our various ministries as needed.

I would like to acknowledge our Dare Ministry Team: Richard and Charlotte Wilborn, Marilyn Taylor, Lupe Rosales, Sue Wolkins, Dennis Sanderson, Sheri Burdick, Beverly Gotts, Holland Prior, Ken Williams, Joann Spink, Marian Spink, Ed Unruh, Tracy Wilborn, and Lynn Craig.

Respectfully Submitted,

Dr. Earl Gotts

Music and Worship

As your Worship Team, it is our honor to help lead you, our congregation, to the throne of our Creator God. Each Sunday morning we offer up songs that will give each distracted heart a gentle nudge back toward the amazing truths revealed in God’s Word through music.

As your Worship Leader, I give thanksgiving to the Lord for the talented team I am privileged to make music with each Sunday: Steve Oldham, Ernie Reyes, Jorge Carlos, Rochelle Richardson, Kim Roset, Holland Prior, and Teri Harrison. They help me focus on worship, on prayer, on God’s work and our responsibility to be faithful to His “work” by keeping our mission clear and in the forefront.

Respectfully Submitted,

Lindy Coulter
Interim Worship Leader

Arrow Community Center

A Place to Belong – A Place to Become

Arrow Community Center is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation that partners with NCF as an outreach arm in serving our neighbors and reaching our community. The mission of ACC is to provide a safe haven for children, youth and adults where they will have opportunities for education, recreation and life skill development as well as fostering positive character qualities such as honestly, civil behavior, caring for others, and respect for the family. We reach out to the low-to-moderate income neighborhoods of Azusa and Covina by meeting tangible needs and working to empower those in our community who are struggling due to challenges they face in their ability to succeed and to help them find personal, economic and ultimately spiritual transformation. In this way, we have the opportunity to minister to the whole person.

This year has been a challenging year for ACC with loss of funding, grants and personnel, but the future looks bright as we see new changes and opportunities to meet the needs of the community. Below is a short list of some of things accomplished in this past year:

Programs Offered

· Skatepark continued to operate on Monday, Wednesday and Saturdays with 5-20 participants and an APU intern was hired to assist through the Lily Grant foundation

· Classes for Skills for Life were offered for Parenting Seminars

· Classes for Powered Up were offered for computer training for adults

· Velocity after-school program was discontinued in September 2006 based on loss of funding and program director

Fund Raising

· A new on-line “garage sale” is being offered that allows individuals to sell items on-line and give the proceeds to ACC as a donation

· The TEAM Golf tournament was completed in May with an expectation of a portion of the proceeds from 145 golfers and silent auctions to be given to ACC

· A large donation from CCCU was received in December

· Grant writers were employed and several grants consolidated with other non-profits are being written and proposed that include ACC Administration and Marketing

· New brochures were produced along with new business cards and DVD jackets as well as our web-site was reviewed this past year

· New computers were installed with software and past documents updated and backed up for further use

· Two Lily grant interns thru APU were hired and trained to help keep public relations and materials up to date

· TEAM meetings of networking with the community were continued to help keep our ACC name active in the community

Two informational board meetings were held to encourage participation in ACC by outside business and the community at large.

Next Steps for the Future

The goal of ACC is to re-start the after-school homework tutoring program in September. To achieve this goal the following items will be instituted:

· Review of potential “fully funded” candidate for Program Director in June

· Installation of a new board for ACC made up of business, church and community leaders to start in July 2007

· Initiate new grant writing opportunities for funding of ACC by employing grant writers, participating with other non-profit ‘broader’ grants, and seeking funding by local business and church leaders connected to the new board

· Offer fundraising opportunities such as a Fund Raising Dinner and Auction and other events throughout the year

We would like to acknowledge and thank our current ACC Board Members, Joann Spink and Pastor Reynaldo Ramirez.

ACC is planning now and seeking opportunities to meet the needs of the community in 2007 and beyond.

Mark Bargaehr

Interim Executive Director

Dr. Gordon Coulter

President and Chairman of the Board

Expanding Our Territories

Your EOT Reloaded Committee was busy this year with an extension of the all-ready successful EOT capital campaign that had been in place for three years. This past February we launched the Reloaded Campaign to keep the vision alive that God had given this church over ten years ago. In May we also launched a prayer day for EOT, and in September a recap was given during the fall kick-off and picnic.

The vision has remained strong and the list below recaps our ministry outreach and facility projects that have been completed in this past year.

Total Pledges Received: $54,465

EOT Reloaded Raised This Fiscal Year $31,459

Parking Lot Repair $ 8,500

Projector/Computer Audio Visual for Fellowship Hall $ 500

Storage (East side of Sanctuary) - 2 Storage Sheds

(Donated Cost and Labor) $ 0

Golf Cart (in 2006) $ 500

BBQ for Patio $ 350

Total Expended $ 9,850

We are still waiting for several proposals from potential partners that may help with our two other major projects: the remodeling of the bathrooms and the children’s outdoor play area. Because of this, the balance remaining until this decision is made follows:

Unexpended balance remaining for EOT: $32,099

We believe that these projects and others to follow will enhance our ability to reach out to our community in 2007 and beyond. Thank you for your participation and faithfulness in this Kingdom Building project.

Pastor Mark Bargaehr

Vida Nueva en Jesus

Thank God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit

Thank you to all the participants, co-workers, members of Vida Nueva, and Neighborhood Christian Fellowship for a wonderful and exciting year of ministry in the Lord Jesus.

All year we experienced wonderful times with our Lord’s people. It is amazing how He works and leads us into His happiness and joyful kingdom. Alleluia!

We celebrated, cried, and laughed about all the testimonies we experienced throughout the year, and we glorified our Lord for everything that happened to this Church.

Vida Nueva has developed a path of being truthful to the Lord and His commandments, at all times and in all things, by serving in His church, Vida Nueva and NCF. Along with AbbaLove and Sanctuary of Praise, our loved new brothers in Christ, they are really a blessing to this church along with the other ministries.

This year’s attendance has been regular, averaging 20-30 on Sunday mornings and 6-12 on Wednesday evenings. The spirit of the members is to grow our membership to 30-40 during the coming year. Let’s praise the Lord for this to happen according to His will.

The budget has been tentatively set for $12,000, and for missions to be $700 to $1,200 this year. We are trusting in the Lord that we will double the budget in the coming year.

God bless you all,

Pastor Reynaldo Ramirez

P.S. Thank you for your prayer and support during my recent illness. Your continued prayers for me and my family are greatly appreciated.


Among the various ministries performed here the church, including wedding and funerals, with having our own baptistery, is now able to hold regular baptisms.

In the last year, Arrow High Christian Fellowship and Vida Nueva en Jesus have been blessed to be able to baptize 17 adults and 3 children.


Local Board of Administration

Pastor Gordon Coulter

Ken Williams - Secretary

Joann Spink - Treasurer

Ernie Reyes, Lupe Rosales, Kim Roset, Marilyn Taylor, Ed Unruh, Kristy Hetzer, Maria Elena Carlos, Holland Prior,

Dr. Malcolm Robertson, Maria Gomez

Staff Support to the LBA:
Pastor Mark Bargaehr and Pastor Reynaldo Ramirez


Arrow Highway Council

Pastor Gordon Coulter

Pastor Mark Bargaehr

Lynn Craig, Dr. Earl Gotts, Rhonda Beltran, Nora Reyes

Dr. Malcolm Robertson, Lupe Rosales, Ed Unruh, Tina Burton,

Richard Wilborn, Katie Taylor, Rick Ortiz