Monday, December 21, 2009

Who Is the One Who Knows It All?

In modern times, if we want to go somewhere and know where we want to go, we can plug into the GPS system and it will tell us how to get there. But, if we don't know where we're going, it won't help us at all.

If you are of the Christian faith, you may have heard of Jehovah Jireh. If you are aware of this person, you will know He is the one who will provide for us if we need Him to. He's the one who knows what we need and when we need it. He also knows where we're going. He's The One Who Knows It All. He is God, the one who created us in the beginning. That's why He knows all about us.

Ed Unruh

The Christmas Spirit

Once a year the Christmas spirit comes to dwell among us bringing Joy, Happiness, and Gifts. It is a time to celebrate with our loved ones and good friends.

Uniquely, over 2,000 years ago the Holy Spirit came down to dwell in a virgin girl named Mary (Luke 1:35). And when He did, Joy and Happiness prevailed.

This was a Gift of God's Son for all the peoples of the world. His name was Jesus who became the Saviour of this world.

Ed Unruh

Monday, December 14, 2009

Hang in There!

According to the latest news, there are so many things going on in this world, we have a hard time keeping up with them. But we just have to learn to "hang in there."

It seems there is more tragedy then ever, these days. When God created this world, it was not meant to be this way. However, one good thing we have to look forward to is the life we will have in heaven.

Jesus said He will come again and receive us to Himself (John 14:3). And we know that where Jesus is, everything will be perfect and without problem of any kind. So, "hang in there!"

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Does God Exist?

He does exist if you believe the Bible. And, believe the Bible is the Word of God. Once you believe it is, you will find out what God is really like. For instance, in 1 John 3:20, we read that He knows everything. If He knows everything, we know He is the one and only true God and there is no other one like him. He is everywhere, omnipresent, (see REV. 4:8). He is our refuge and strength (Psalm 46:1). Do you know Him?

Ed Unruh

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Just Believe

Have you ever thought about heaven? Did you ever want to go there? If you did, it may be easier than you thought.

The Bible says, "he who believes has eternal life" (John 6:47). That's right! Have faith and just believe that Jesus (God's Son, who was without sin) died on the cross for your sins (John 3:16). Just believe He took all our sins with Him to the grave and then rose on the third day.

God is preparing heaven for us right now. So, have faith and just believe. That's all there is to it.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Can you define the word "forever?" The dictionary has several definitions for it and just to name a few:

1. Throughout eternity
2. To the end of time
3. Everlasting and Eternal

All of these definitions are describing the period of time that will take place when we get to heaven. Time will have no ending.

So, is it possible to understand something you have never experienced? A period of time like this, just has no end. Forever will be FOREVER.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

King of Kings

In the United States, the people elect a president to rule over the nation. In some countries a king rules the nation. And is one king greater than another? Would you want to live in a country that is ruled by a king?

In due time, when Jesus returns to take us to His heavenly kingdom, we will have the privilege to meet He who is the blessed and only potentate, the King of kings and the Lord of lords (I Timothy 6:14-15). Are you ready for this?

Ed Unruh

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Under Construction

How often do you have to make a detour because there is a building re-construction going on? Once in a while it happens because repairs are needed.

Have you ever thought of your body as a building block? A building block under construction? After time our bodies can wear out just like a building. Fortunately, we have a God who heals (Ps. 103:2-3) and He can heal (re-construct) our bodies when they need it.

Ed Unruh

Monday, November 2, 2009

Harvest Time

When God created the earth, He provided us with us with four seasons. Just before the chilling season of winter, He provided us with autumn.

The fall or autumn season is the time to harvest the crops that were planted in the spring. God is a gracious God who has also provided us with the sun and rain so the harvest would be plentiful.

In Isaiah chapter nine, Isaiah tells us that Harvest Time is to be a time of rejoicing; therefore, let us rejoice and thank our Heavenly Father for all that He has provided. For He truly is the Lord of the Harvest.

Ed Unruh

Friday, October 30, 2009

You're Never Alone

There comes a time in everyone's life when they go through times of difficulty. Sometimes it could be a bad decision we've made at a down time in life. Or it could be a decision that was made hurriedly, leaving us with a feeling of loneliness and not knowing what to do next.

There are also times when tragedy steps into our life and we have no control over it. This was the case with Elizabeth Smart when she was captured and held against her will for eighteen months. In an interview with her after her release, she was asked how she survived the ordeal and she said, "I was never alone", implying God was with her the whole time.

Should you have to go through a difficult time in your life, remember, you too are not alone and you will be able to get through it by God's grace.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Heaven Is Not An Old People's Home

Some people may think that by the time Jesus returns to take us home to heaven they will be so old they will not be able to enjoy it. You may be old when you die but Jesus has promised us we will have all new bodies, PTL, what could be better than that?

In I Cor. 15:50-52 we read that we will all be changed before we enter into the heavenly realm. We will be changed in a twinkling of an eye. There will be no old people in heaven. It really is something to look forward to.

Ed Unruh

Monday, October 19, 2009

Jealousy and Envy

Have you ever become jealous or envious? Envy will change your attitude unless you keep it in control.

Prior to Jesus' crucifixion, the high priests were envious of Him. Wherever He went, His reputation followed Him. He even claimed to be king of the Jews (Mt. 27:11). For this reason, the high priests were afraid the Romans would take away the power they had over the Jews (John 11:45-48). Because of their envy, the high priests were the first ones at Jesus trial to encourage His crucifixion.

Yes, envy can develop into a driving force that can kill and destroy. It's really something that needs to be kept in control at all times.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

God's Promise

In Matthew 28:20 God makes a promise when He says, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age." The author of Psalm 139 confirms the fact when he says, "God is everywhere."

What kind of a god is this? How can he possibly be everywhere at the same time?

The answer is, this god is the God who created the universe and He is omnipresent. So, the next time you want to know where God is, remember this--He is right beside you. If you are a born-again Christian He is in you. God is Love and will keep His promise to be with you always no matter what happens.

Ed Unruh

Friday, October 9, 2009

Estate Planning

In John 14:1-2, Jesus says, "let not your heart be troubled, if you believe in God, you will also believe in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions...and I go to prepare one of these for you."

If you own a home or a mansion here on earth, it will last only so long. However, if you accept Christ as your Saviour, one of the many benefits that will be yours will be to inherit the mansion estate God has promised. That is REAL ESTATE planning.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Enemy Protection

When we are at war, the whole nation knows about it. Enlisted soldiers can recognize the enemy through their uniform, however there are times when a suicide bomber is not recognizable. In this case the soldier has little or no protection.

In the spiritual world, there is a similar situation where the enemy is unseen. No matter how we look for him, we will not see him. He is invisible. So how do you fight an unseen enemy?

In the real world, it is impossible to fight an unseen enemy. But in the spiritual world, it is different. For instance, when Satan spoke through Peter, Jesus rebuked Satan (Mt.16:23) and the devil left him. Likewise, when we are tempted by the devil, we have the power of prayer and the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God to protect us from the evil one.

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 28, 2009

9-11 Anniversary: A Reminder

From the beginning of time, God has allowed everyone the right to make decisions. One major decision for all of us is to decide what our destination will be after death. If you have decided to wait and think there is plenty of time, here is a reminder.

On September 11, 2001, thousands of people began their normal workday in the World Trade Towers in Manhattan New York. Suddenly and without warning, an airplane flew into one of the 110 story towers and exploded on impact. Then a second one hit the other tower and exploded as well. In just a matter of minutes both towers fell to the ground.

Life and death is unknown. Only God knows the length of your life (Deut. 32:39). God's Word, The Bible, says, "Today is the accepted time and the Day of Salvation" (2 Cor. 6:2). There are no guarantees in life. Unless you make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, there are none in death either.

Ed Unruh

Just One Easy Way

When you have something to do and it's going to take a long time to do it, what do you do? You just figure out how many ways there are to get it done, then choose the best way and go for it.

The same thing applies to Salvation. So you ask how many ways there is to become a Christian and are surprised to find out there is just one easy way. Yes, all you have to do is believe. Just believe Christ died on the cross for you and you will be saved (Romans 10:9).

Ed Unruh

Friday, September 18, 2009

Is God Real?

There really is a God and "He knows everything" (I John 3:20). Of course, if you don't believe in the Bible, you won't believe in God because the Bible is the true Word of God and there is none other.

And if you don't believe in God, you won't believe in the Bible. We read, "in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God" (John 1:1). So we believe there is a God.

So, how about you? Do you believe God is real? If you believe in the Bible, of course you are going to believe He is real. But if you don't, maybe it's time you do so!

Ed Unruh

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stop, Look, and Listen

These are words of caution which are used when approaching railroad tracks. This is important in other areas as well.

When it comes to salvation you want to stop, look, and listen to what God has to say. There is only one way and that way is to believe Christ died on the cross for your sin and rose the third day.

So, if you believe, you will have eternal life. And eternal life is the most important thing you will ever experience in your life on earth and in your life after death.

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 14, 2009

Four Letter Words

There are a lot of four letter words. Some good and some not so good. Then there's the word four, it's a four letter word, but so is the word five. These are good words.

And if you are sick, this four letter word becomes a bad word until you take some medicine which makes it much better.

Speaking of four letter words, "Love" is another one of the good words that we use once in a while. In 1 John 4:8, we read "God is love," and it is good to know that He loves us no matter what we do.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thy Will Be Done

In Matthew the sixth chapter, the Christian has been given a guideline for prayer. In the tenth verse it says to pray, "Thy will be done."

When we say, "Thy will be done," we are trusting God to do what is best, no matter what is best, no matter how long it takes.

There will be times when we will have to wait longer than we want to, but if we wait for His will to be done, it will be on time and done right.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, August 27, 2009

More Powerful

The expression "More Powerful" is used a lot in describing a product to be sold. It could be a breakfast cereal, a medication, or a brand new automobile.

The breakfast cereal will give you more energy if it is more powerful, and if the medication is more powerful, you'll be healthier.

What about your Christian life: how powerful is it? Are you reading your Bible every day? It's important that you do, then you'll be More Powerful in your witnessing to the stranger you encounter.

Ed Unruh

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time and Space

For years man has had a desire to conquer time and space, and so far man has been able to reach out to the moon and has actually walked around on its surface.

When God created the heavens and the earth He gave us a twenty-four hour day. However, it never seems like enough time. Maybe some day we will be able to conquer time in the same way we were able to conquer space.

One exciting thought we have to look forward to is time will be eternal when Christ returns. Then we will have all the time we need for there will be no night there (Rev. 22:5).

Ed Unruh

Monday, August 17, 2009

God's Website Has No Viruses

People who use computers aren't always on the alert for any type of virus that might penetrate their computer. They usually install an anti-virus program to prevent that from happening.

If God our father had a website it would not be possible for a virus to exist because a virus is evil. In life, Satan who is evil, would be considered a virus. So we should not allow him to enter our lives.

And this is the reverse of our association with God Our Father. Because He is good there cannot be any virus in God's website. There is with Satan's website because he is the god of bad and evil in this world.

Ed Unruh

Friday, August 14, 2009

Stressed Out

When you're stressed out everything you do becomes an effort. You don't want to talk to anyone and you don't want anyone to talk to you. You just want to be left alone. But, you have to get on with your life and you have to do it soon, you can't go on like this forever.

Then you remember that there is a God in your life and He is called the God of all comfort mentioned in 2 Corinthians 1:3. Because He is the God of comfort, we know he has the ability to eliminate that stress in our life and he will do it if we ask him to.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Need

In a person's lifetime it is inevitable that there will come a time when the nation's economy will play a major role in his or her life. We live our lives believing everything will go smoothly for us. However, as we encounter health and financial problems now and then, we soon realize that life is not always perfect.

Fortunately we have a God whose Son Jesus Christ had performed miracles of healing when He was on this earth. Today, when we are IN NEED with a health problem or a financial problem, we can call upon that same Jesus who will listen to our prayers. Whatever our NEED is, we have His Word that assures us that our NEEDS will be met (Phil 4:19).

Ed Unruh

Thursday, July 30, 2009

In Control

Some people feel they have to be in control in every situation that comes their way. It gives them a sense of accomplishment. This is good however, because we need leaders that we can depend on to make the right decisions.

When you're in control you don't need anything or anyone. Among other things, faith may even be eliminated. After all, when you have it altogether, you don't need faith.

It's okay to be in control but faith is the positive force required for salvation. And salvation includes eternal life in a place called heaven. So take control and make your decision for Christ now.

Ed Unruh

Friday, July 24, 2009

Identity Theft

If you're concerned about identity theft, you're not alone. With so much computerized information floating over the Internet, your personal identification can easily be stolen.

How about your spiritual identity which was acquired when you accepted Christ as your personal saviour? Is it possible that this could be stolen? No! Your spiritual identity cannot be stolen for it is everlasting (guaranteed) through Jesus Christ (John 6:40).

Yes, personal identity can be stolen, but, praise God, our spiritual identity will never be stolen. And that's because our names have been permanently written in the Book of Life (Rev. 13:8).

Ed Unruh

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Trusting God

When we pray, we trust God to answer us. After all, that's the reason we pray. We pray because we need His help and we have no one else to turn to.

He may not answer right away, but we know He will answer. That's why we went to Him in the first place. We don't assume He will answer, we know beyond a shadow of a doubt He will answer.

Ed Unruh

Monday, July 20, 2009


Have you ever been forgetful? Yes, it happens more often then we want to admit. Do not be discouraged however, and remember no one is perfect.

Even the Apostle Paul in Philippines 3:13 admitted the "one thing I do is forgetting those things which are behind." But then he goes on to say, "I reach forward to those things that lie ahead."

So, maybe it is not all that bad when you have to admit you're forgetful--that's the way God created you. Just be yourself and reach forward to what lies ahead.

Ed Unruh

Monday, July 13, 2009

How to Win a War

A war can be won if every soldier will do the best he or she can do. It all depends on their basic training and how they obey their leader.

The Bible says, "If soldiers keep focused, they will please the one who enlisted them" (2 Tim 2:4). It takes a real team effort at all times to obtain victory.

The war referred to in this verse is the war against satanic forces that continue to be active in this world today. In order to win a war against these forces, we need to focus on God as our leader. Then, and only then will we win the war.

Ed Unruh


When we witness to our neighborhood it is something that comes straight from the Bible in John 16:8. This is where Jesus said to His disciples that the Holy Spirit would set forth the truth on those who were outside the truth of the gospel.

Also, when we witness to those in our neighborhood, the Holy Spirit will have their hearts and ears open to us so we won't be doing it on our own.

So, when the opportunity presents itself, don't hesitate to witness, you'll be glad you did.

Ed Unruh

Thursday, July 9, 2009

High Definition

Everything today is going high tech. A television converter box has to be purchased or you will have no reception. Even the weather forecast is brought to us in High definition. Our world is being taken over by H.D.

We who accepted Christ as our personal Saviour received something far better than high definition. We received the ultimate: God's Higher Source of Power. And when it was acquired it did not include a converter box. We received it as is and it has a lifetime guarantee.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Are you going through a time of trouble? If you are, you're not alone. In fact, the Word of God clearly states in Matt. 6:34, "You can expect trouble," and in the same verse God says He will take care of your tomorrows.

There is so much going on in this world today, it is far from being perfect. In fact, no day will will ever be perfect here on earth. We have unemployment and so many other problems today.

But, we can take each one of these problems to God in prayer and by His grace, he will get us through them. He always has in the past and He will this time as well.

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 29, 2009

Prayer is Free

Have you ever thought about the cost of prayer? Prayer is free and it is one of the benefits we get with salvation. That's right, salvation does have benefits and one of them is that we can pray any time and any where and it doesn't cost a cent. The Bible says to "Rejoice always and pray without ceasing" (I Thes. 5:16-17).

So, don't hesitate or hold back from praying, God is waiting to hear from you today. Thank Him for everything (I Thes 5:18). Include His blessings and His faithfulness, because, PRAYER IS FREE.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

He Loves Us

When someone tells you they love you and there is sincerity in their voice, you will believe them. What about a complete stranger? Would you still believe him?

In 2 Cor.13:11 we read that "God is love" and He loves us (John 3:16). Is He a stranger to you? If He is, maybe it is time for you to meet Him and get to know Him better.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

How to Grow in Faith

Sometimes it takes a lot of faith to overcome difficult situations we go through. Because the past has helped us grow in our faith, we must now leave the past behind us and move on to the future.

Oswald Chambers said, "many people have no faith in God at all, but only faith in what He has done for us." But, because our faith is now growing, we can look ahead to concentrate on our future.

So, now is the time to trust in the God of the past and future who continues to strengthen us. Then as He does this, our strength grows.

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wasted Time

Time is a very important commodity for most people, and sometimes it needs to be rescheduled for one reason or another.

There are some things that have a tendency to cause delays in our life. One of these delays may be in cashier lines which can waste a lot of time. What can make this time more profitable?

A report over the NBC network on the National Day of Prayer in May 1997 stated that 54% of all people in this nation pray daily. So, why not be one of the 54% and use that "Wasted Time" in prayer?

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 8, 2009

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

These are three days. Each one is different in itself. We know what happened yesterday. We know what we have done today and because tomorrow has not arrived yet, it remains a mystery. For what we have planned for tomorrow could change at a moment's notice.

Change becomes a way of life for each of us. In contrast to the changes that take place in our lives, God Himself says, "For I am the Lord, I change not" (Malachi 3:6). Because God is Love (I John 4:8), His love never changes. He is faithful Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.

Ed Unruh

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Last Times

Are we in the last times? Today, there are people challenging some laws that have been in place for years, accepted and undisputed. But times change and we see more and more people with differing opinions since these laws were initiated.

State and federal laws are being challenged more than ever before. Some with a lot of opposition and some with just a little. In 2nd Timothy 3:12 we are told, those who desire to live godly lives will be persecuted and in Jude 1:18 we read "in the last times there will be scoffers who will follow their own ungodly desires."

So, are we in the last times, according to the words of Jude, it is possible. What do you think?

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Challenges Today

With the challenges we have today, it takes a whole lot of faith to just make it through the week. So where can we find the faith we need to meet those challenges?

Romans 10:17 says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. If we use that faith wisely, we will find there's enough to handle the challenges we face today.

Ed Unruh


Have you ever been delayed on a commercial airline flight? Maybe you haven't, but in all likelihood it will happen to you sometime. Delays can happen when you least expect them.

When you pray, you don't expect delays to happen, but, sometimes they do. If God delays His answer, accept it. After all, He knows what is best for you.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Truth

When you go into a court of law you are expected to tell the truth. If you don't, you will be held in contempt. In The Bible, we read in John 14:6 where Jesus said, "I am the Truth." And He spoke only the truth while He was on this earth. Yes, Jesus the Son of God was the only person in the world who spoke the truth.

Have you ever thought what it would be like to live in a world where every person spoke the truth all the time? Just think what a wonderful world this would be!

Ed Unruh

Monday, May 11, 2009

Be Inspired

There are several ways you can be inspired. Those ways can come from something you've read, from a conversation with a friend or an acquaintance, and another way is to be inspired by God.

When inspirations come to us from God He does it by indwelling in our thoughts. In other words His thoughts become our thoughts to be inspired. And we then are able to inspire others with whom we come in contact. Have you been inspired by God lately? If not, open your heart to Him and listen to what He wants you to say to the next person you meet.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Eight Hours

During our daily schedule we have a total of 24 hours. We have eight hours of work. We have eight hours to sleep. And we have eight hours to eat and enjoy ourselves in whatever way we choose. If we run out of time, there's always tomorrow.

When we're young, we have all the time in the world to do what we want to do. Then all of a sudden the eight hours we are awake seem to go by faster than we want them to. No matter how much planning we do, it seems like we will never get caught up.

In the book of Ecclesiastes Solomon reminds us that there is a time for every purpose under heaven. He tells us that there is a time for us to be born and a time for us to die. The most important time, however, is to take the time to accept Christ as your Saviour and Lord and it doesn't take eight hours to do it. In fact, we are told that now is the accepted time (II Cor 6:2), So don't wait, do it now.

Ed Unruh

Monday, May 4, 2009

Don't Be Afraid

There are so many disasters that plague us today. Natural disasters, such as lightning strikes, tornadoes, fires and floods.

Lightning strikes are the cause of wild fires. Tornadoes can wipe out mobile home parks in a matter of minutes. Disasters of this kind, make newspaper headlines and breaking news on television programs.

In the Bible, God told Joshua, "be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, be not dismayed; for the Lord thy God is with thee wherever you go" (Joshua 1:9). God is with us today just as He was with Joshua years ago. So don't be afraid if disaster strikes.

Ed Unruh

Monday, April 27, 2009


From the beginning of time and the creation of the Garden of Eden, God has allowed both men and women the right of choice. The first choice Adam and Eve made has affected man ever since that time. Because that was when sin entered the world when they made the wrong choice and ate from the forbidden tree.

Today, we too, make choices all the day long. Some are good and some are not so good. The most important one of all is to make the choice to accept Christ as your personal Saviour, because when you do, eternal life will be yours when Christ returns.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


One person was heard to say, "with all the problems I have, how can I possibly be happy?" For one thing, the economy frustrates me when I think about it and know there is nothing I can do that will change it.

What is it that makes some people concentrate on their problems, when they should be focusing on the cure? After all, the cure should not be all that difficult. Basically, there are only two things you have to do to overcome any existing problem.

To achieve happiness, the two simple rules are to be considerate of others and refrain from concentrating on yourself. Expect less from the other person and give more of yourself. It's as simple as that.

Ed Unruh

Friday, April 17, 2009

Growing in Faith

What does it take to get faith to grow? And what does it take to make weak faith strong? Actually, weak faith can be made strong if we will take the time to work at it.

One of the positive attitudes is to look ahead, in fact, Luke 9:62 tells us that we are not to look back. Maybe we can make an exception to this however, because, we have to look back if we want to see how our faith has grown.

If we will be observant of our life's past experiences, we will see how God has provided for us. We will see how God has answered our prayers. And through all of this, we will find this to be a definite faith growing experience.

Ed Unruh

Monday, April 13, 2009

He's Alive

When a catastrophe happens and it is a tornado or an earthquake, or it may even be a tsunami, a search will begin immediately for survivors. When they are found, we praise God and exclaim, "they're alive".

Three days after Jesus Christ was crucified, we hear Mary and the disciples exclaim, "He's alive." How could this happen?

The only explanation for this is that God the Father raised His Son from the tomb which completed His plan of salvation for you and me. See chapter 20 verses one through nine in the book of John. Yes! He was alive back then and "He's Alive" today. Do you know Him?

Ed Unruh

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Fifth of 5 Easter Miracles

It is up to each and every person to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, believing in His crucifixion His Death and His Resurrection to save them. Then, the instant Christ returns, the miracle of EVERLASTING LIFE will begin.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Fourth of 5 Easter Miracles

We know God uses all kinds of people in all kinds of ways to fulfill His will. God's will was for His Son Jesus Christ to be crucified. When Pontius Pilate (the governor) said he was ready to release Jesus, God allowed the crowd outside to demand that His Son be crucified. Then forty days after the resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven. Immediately sitting down on the right side of God the Father, He began interceding, not only for the crowd that had demanded He be crucified, but for all the born-again Christians in the years to come.

Ed Unruh

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Third of 5 Easter Miracles

On the first day of the week, at early dawn, Mary Magdelene and Mary the mother of James and Salome brought spices which they had prepared to anoint the body of Jesus, which was their custom. Then they said amongst themselves, "Who will roll away the stone?" (Mark 16:3). When they arrived they found the stone was miraculously rolled away from the opening of the tomb.

After Jesus was resurrected, it's possible that the stone was still in place outside the tomb. And later, the angel (who spoke to the women) removed it, so everyone coming to the tomb would be able to look inside and see it was empty.

Ed Unruh

Monday, March 30, 2009

The Second of 5 Easter Miracles

In Matthew 12:40 we are told that the Son Of Man would be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. After the crucifixion, just 3 days later, the second miracle took place when Jesus Christ rose from death to life, leaving the linen wrappings lying there. The cloth, which had been on His head, was folded neatly in a place by itself (John 20:7).

Ed Unruh

The First of 5 Easter Miracles

In the Garden Of Gethsemane, Jesus pleaded with God, His Father, to take the cup of suffering from Him. During this time a crowd of people came into the garden looking for Jesus. When they found Him, they laid their hands on Him to seize Him. At this moment Peter drew his sword and cut off the ear of one of the high priests slave. Jesus stopped Peter and performed a Miracle by touching the man's ear and healing it.

Ed Unruh

Friday, March 27, 2009

Growing in Faith

What does it take to get faith to grow and what does it take to make weak faith strong? Actually, weak faith can be made strong if we will take the time to work at it.

One of the positive attitudes in life is to look ahead, in fact, Luke 9:62 tells us that we are not to look back. Maybe we can make an exception to this however, because, we have to look back if we want our faith to grow.

If we have been observant of our past life's experiences, we will see how God has provided for us. We will see how God answered our prayers and through these answers, it will be a definite faith-growing experience.

Ed Unruh

Friday, March 20, 2009

Good Times, Bad Times

If you get involved in a fight, what do you do? We can read about one man who had been fighting all day long in the 56th chapter of the book of Psalms. Finally, he went to God and said, "I will put my trust in you."

This man was in a difficult situation, but he made the right decision! Isn't it good to know that we have a God we can go to when we need one?

The Bible tells us in Joshua 1:5, "God will never leave us." That means He's there whether we need Him or not. But, don't wait until you need Him. Always remember to look to God during the good times as well as the bad times. And you will find Him to be there every single time.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

What's Good About Good Friday?

So often children will question their parents when they are told to do something. On Good Friday, God's son Jesus also questioned His father regarding something He had to do.

Jesus asked His father if He could be spared, from the pain and separation, at the crucifixion He was to experience. But because, He knew it was His father's will, He obeyed Him.

Yes, when Jesus obeyed His father, it was good for all of us. Because He provided the way of salvation for us. And that was through His crucifixion and resurrection that took place at Calvary. That's what is good about Good Friday.

Ed Unruh

God Knows What We Need

In Mark 4:35-41 we read about the time Jesus' disciples were concerned about the storm on the Sea of Galilee.

Jesus knew there would be a storm, even before He entered the boat. God also knows when the storms in our life will develop. He is aware of them long before we are and even knows how we will react.

The disciples were afraid and didn't know what to do. However, in faith they called upon Jesus, who knew their need and calmed the sea. Likewise, God knows the storms we are going through. All we have to do, is ask Him to calm our storm and He will, as long as our faith in Him is strong.

Ed Unruh

Monday, March 9, 2009

Refurbished or Rebuilt

To refurbish something means all worn parts have been replaced with new or rebuilt parts and may include a warranty. To rebuild means all parts are replaced with all new parts, and a full guarantee included.

Robert Schuller says, "If you have the faith, God's got the power". Yes, when it comes to power, God has it all. In Revelation 21, we are reminded just how powerful God is, because, His plan is to replace this old world with a new one.

It will not be rebuilt or refurbished in any way, but, created new (see verse five). Then in verse seven we are told, each one of us who overcomes (sin) shall inherit this new world. Have you overcome?

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

The Lion and the Lamb

The month of March is known to come in as a lion and go out as a lamb weather-wise. With the cold winter winds in the beginning of the month and the spring like weather at the end of the month. So far we are experiencing this lion effect this 2009 year, but we will have to wait a couple weeks to see how the end of the month turns out.

In The Bible, Isaiah 11:6 the author predicts what life will be like in Heaven. We are told that the wolf will dwell with the lamb. And the calf and the lion will eat together. Conceivably the lion and the lamb will be together and the lamb will have no fear of the lion. When we think of what Heaven will be like, It's really something we will want to experience. Are you ready for this experience?

Ed Unruh

Friday, February 27, 2009

Faith is Not Easy

In the eleventh chapter of John's gospel, Mary and Martha's brother Lazarus was sick. Mary and Martha had faith that their beloved friend Jesus would be able to heal him. But Lazarus died before Jesus arrived.

When Martha saw Jesus coming she ran to Him (Vs. 21). Then when Jesus spoke to her, her faith was renewed (Vs. 27). Jesus asked that the stone be rolled away from the opening and it was then that Jesus spoke and Lazarus came forth out of the tomb. When Mary witnessed this, her faith was renewed.

How often is your faith challenged? How often do you blame God for the things that go wrong? I Peter 3:12 says, "the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and His ears attend to their prayers". So, keep the the faith and believe that God has everything in control.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Wasted Time

Time is a very important commodity and sometimes needs to be rescheduled. Often there is not enough time to do what we want to do and do what we have to do.

Sometimes there are freeway delays, delays in doctor offices and delays in a store as we wait to pay for a purchase. These are just a few of the times when time is wasted. So how can this wasted time be productive?

There is never any wasted time when we are in prayer with our Maker. So if we take that wasted time and pray, we will find our wasted time will be eliminated all together.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Gifts and Benefits

Two thousand years ago, God gave us the Gift of His Son Jesus Christ, who was born to the virgin Mary in a town called Bethlehem (Luke 2:7).

Later in Jesus' life, a free Gift became available and that gift is still available today. It is God's gift of salvation and all it takes is faith (Eph.2:8)

When you accept this gift it comes with Benefits. One benefit it has is eternal life which is life that never ends in a place called Heaven (John 6:47). Do you have the faith it takes to believe in this everlasting Gift of Salvation?

Ed Unruh

Monday, February 9, 2009

Forgive and Forget

Have you ever been in an argument where the other person has asked you to forgive them? You're willing to forgive, but you know it is going to take a long time to forget.

We are told in Isaiah 43:25 that God is the one who wipes out our transgressions (He forgives us). Then He says, "I will remember your sin no more". How can this God who knows the past, present and the future possibly forget?

God is able to do this because He is the Most High God. And Yes, He does have a perfect right to forgive and the ability to forget.

Ed Unruh

Behind Locked Doors

What do you think of when the subject of locked doors is mentioned? Sometimes a door is locked for security because there are items of value that need to be protected from thieves. Sometimes a door is locked for safety of others because of high voltage danger.

In The Bible, we read of an incident that occurred after God's Son Jesus Christ had been crucified. This incident occurred on the first day of the week according to John 20:19. The disciples were in a room Behind Locked Doors, as they were afraid of the Jewish authorities. Also in the 19th verse we read that Jesus suddenly appeared in their midst. When they greeted Him He showed them His hands and His side (Vs. 20). Yes! There are a lot of things that can go on BEHIND LOCKED DOORS.

Ed Unruh

Monday, February 2, 2009

Earth Day

Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. It is the day when everyone thinks green. The idea is to provide a healthier and a longer life for all, by planting green trees and foliage.

In the Bible, in Genesis 1:1, we read where the God of creation had created this earth, and when He was through, He said,"it was good" (verse 10). Yes, it was created perfect. But, over the years, deterioration has become the concern of many people. God never intended it to happen, but times change and now Earth Day has become an annual occurrence.

Ed Unruh

Monday, January 26, 2009


Eternity is defined as an existence without beginning or end. Endless. When the word eternity is used in conversation the full meaning is not always comprehended. There is nothing in this world that did not have some kind of beginning.

There is nothing that will last forever. Manufacturers will tell you their product has a lifetime guarantee but, that product will have an end. Because all products are designed and built they've had a beginning.

In Genesis 1:1, we read "in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." Here again, we see a beginning. But what about God Himself? We believe Him to be eternal. In Exodus 3:14 God said to Moses, "I Am who I Am." This statement alone tells us that God has always been and always will be. If you want to experience Eternity, become a born-again Christian and you will be able to experience it when Christ Jesus returns.

Ed Unruh

Unseen Enemies

When a country is at war, soldiers are identified by the uniform they wear. Likewise the enemy is identified by their uniforms. However, when fighting against suicide bombers, they are not seen as they do not wear uniforms. They are the Unseen Enemy.

In the spiritual world there is an unseen enemy whose name is Satan and like the suicide bomber we will not see him, but we can fight him with the Sword Of The Spirit, which is God's Word, The Bible.

In Matthew 16:23 Satan spoke through Peter and Jesus rebuked him and the devil left him. So, when you are tempted by Satan, the unseen enemy, all you have to do is rebuke him with the Word of God, and he will leave you.

Ed Unruh

Friday, January 23, 2009

Election Qualifications

Before an election is held, candidates declare their platform, then campaign before the voting public. The voters, in turn, look for a candidate that is reputable and respectable with qualifications appropriate to the position.

In 60 A.D. Festus was elected governor of Caesarea, because he had all the qualifications required for the position. In Acts 25 we see Festus taking his place on the judgment seat and negotiating within the laws of the day. One thing he accomplished was to get the apostle Paul released from prison.

In any elected position, it is important for the person in office to be qualified for the position they hold, so they will make the right decisions just the way Festus did.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Gift For You

What is a gift? And how much does it cost? First of all, it has to be free, otherwise it is not a gift, so don't ask how much. If it is a gift, it's free.

Gifts come in all shapes and sizes, unless it is a verbal gift, which could be for a service provided, or a promise, such as love and devotion as in a marriage vow.

But how about the gift of eternal life that God promises to those who accept Christ as their personal Saviour? This is the ultimate gift found in the Bible, in John 3:16. It is the gift that will last forever. And in order to get it, all you have to do is accept it.

Ed Unruh

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Rules of Salvation

When God created the universe and everything in it, He created the earth in such a way that all animals and plant life would be able to breath and survive. When Adam and Eve were created, they too were provided for with the Garden of Eden that contained every tree that was pleasant to the sight and good for food (Gen. 2:9).

However there was one tree of good and evil, and the rule was that they were not allowed to eat from this tree. Eve broke the rule and Adam and Eve were banished from the garden.

Salvation has its own set of rules. The one rule for salvation is found in John 3:16, which says, Whosoever believes in God's Son will be saved. Likewise, in Rev. 20:15 the rule is that if you do not accept Christ as your personal saviour you will be cast into the Lake of Fire. So, obey the rules and you will have everlasting life in Heaven when Christ returns.

Ed Unruh

Happy Christmas

During the Christmas holidays the greeting is "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year." But with Christmas being a happy time with friends and relatives, we could say, have a Happy Christmas. Because we will be experiencing happy moments and pleasant memories, it makes this a happy day.

Any time a child is born is a happy time but this is the birth of God's Son which is a time for real happiness. Happiness can be found in many situations but none as great as this. You can still say Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to those people you come in contact with, but don't forget, the real reason for the season is the birthday of the one and only Son of God, Jesus Christ.

Ed Unruh