Monday, September 24, 2007


Everyone has some ability, what's yours? It's possible that what you're reading right now was written by someone who had the ability to write. Likewise not everyone has the ability to read, but, you do. So, where does our ability come from? Actually, the abilities we have come through a learning process.

Every learning process makes it possible for us to be where we are today. Do you realize how many abilities you use every day and every week? Many abilities are physical and many that are used are mental. Without them, you would never make it through the day, let alone the week.

Another area in the ability process, are the abilities God supplies for us. Because God's ability goes above and beyond ours, He has the ability to do more for us than we can do ourselves. So, when you don't have the ability to do what you want to do, don't hesitate to ask God for His help. His ability is endless.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Stepfathers have the same family responsibilities as fathers. When God's Son Jesus was born, Joseph was chosen to be his stepfather. So, let's see just what kind of example he was 2000 years ago!

First of all, he was righteous and obedient to God (Mt, 1:24). As a stepfather, he did not want to disgrace the virgin Mary, so he took her as his wife, just as God had requested.

He was a moral and virtuous man, because he kept Mary a virgin, until she gave birth to her son Jesus. And as a carpenter, Joseph was a respected tradesman in his community. With these qualities along with his responsibility to rear the Son of God, Joseph was the greatest stepfather that ever lived.

Ed Unruh

Friday, September 14, 2007

Is Death Ever Premature?

When our loved one dies, it often seems premature regardless of their age. We worry about the future and wonder how we will be able to go on without them. The answer is, with God's help it will be possible.

But, will God be there when we need Him? Actually, God is always there (Mt. 28:20). But, if they die young, isn't it premature? No! It is possible that they may have been young, but it was not premature.

God is in control and continues to be in control no matter when we die. He is the one who gives life and the one who controls death (Deut. 32:39).

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wearing Out

When was the last time you heard someone say, "they just don't make things like that anymore!". Perhaps you were the one who said it. It may have had to do with your clothes, or your furniture. Anyway, if it was, you now need to buy some new one's.

Is there anything we can do about this? Of course there is. We can redesign the clothes or rebuild the furniture using better quality material. What about our bodies? They don't seem to last forever either, but, we do have a God who can heal every kind of disease and sickness (Math.4:23).

How many times has God healed your body, and it is still wearing out, just like our clothes and our furniture did? How would you like to live forever? You can, if you accept Christ into your heart (John 3:16).

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Reminder

From the beginning of time, God has allowed everyone the right to make decisions. One major decision for all of us is to decide what our destination will be after death. If you have decided to wait and think there is plenty of time, here is a Reminder.

On September 11, 2001, thousands of people began their normal workday in the World Trade Towers in Manhattan New York. Suddenly and without warning, an airplane flew into one of the 110 story towers and exploded on impact. Then a second one hit the other tower and exploded as well. In just a matter of minutes both towers fell to the ground.

Life and death is unknown. Only God knows the length of your life (Deut 32:39). God's Word - The Bible, says, "Today is the accepted time and the Day of Salvation" (II Cor.6:2). There are no guarantees in life. Unless you make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, there are none in death either.

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 10, 2007


Every day, throughout our lives, we are making decisions. Most of these have to be made right away and some can wait. In the Bible we read in Psalm 27:14 where it says, "Wait on the Lord". What does this mean and how does it apply to us today?

For one thing, God's timing is different from ours. So, there may be some times when it would be best to wait before a decision is made. If you are undecided and hesitate when making a decision, take it to God in prayer and wait for His answer.

Ed Unruh

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Spiritual Intimacy

Oswald Chambers said..."When once we get intimate with Jesus, we are never lonely".

In our daily quiet time with the Lord, a strong feeling of intimacy is possible. This intimacy has the potential of developing into a very strong personal relationship with God.

Once we become involved in Him this way, we will experience an attitude change. There is nothing wrong with that, for with an attitude change we become even more attracted with God.

He becomes more personal, and it is easier for us to confide in Him with our most intimate concerns. When we develop this kind of closeness, we've reached the greatest plateau we could possibly attain.

Ed Unruh

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Things to Do

There are a lot of things we want to do and a lot of things we have to do in our daily routine. When it comes to things we have to do, one thing we will have to do is to die. It sounds serious and it is not something we want to think about, but, it is something we will have to do.

Basically, we don't have any choice in the matter, because, in the Bible it says,"everyone, is destined to die and after that we will be judged" (Heb. 9:27). Then, all who have accepted Christ as their Saviour, will live forever and will never see death again, but, we will have to die to get to the point of everlasting life.

Ed Unruh

Monday, September 3, 2007

Hearing & Listening

Hearing is different from listening. Hearing does not require a response, but when there is a two-way conversation, the listener is expected to respond.

In Jeremiah 29:12 God says, "when you pray to Me, I will listen to you". So, when God says He will listen to our prayers, we expect Him to respond as well.

In Jeremiah 33:3, God says, call to Me and I will answer you". Now, if the response does not come immediately and there is a silence, then silence is God's answer. Accept it in faith believing God did answer, just as He said He would.

Ed Unruh